Thursday, February 4, 2016

Eczema Treatment

Eczema treatment can be done at home. The treatment is directed first of all to cope with itching, sometimes intense and very annoying. If there are no drugs, then (temporarily) can be used cold water compresses (water ice) which replaced several times every hour to relieve the itching. Especially on wet eczema (with discharge) how to compress it fit for use.
Eczema Treatment

The drugs that are widely used in the treatment of eczema such as:

- Neutral Fat Cream (Krem Lanette)

Beige can be purchased freely in pharmacies. It's important to apply this cream in place of eczema, so that the skin moist levels maintained and avoid further drying and worsening of eczema.

- Ointments Ter

Ter ointment is the older drug that is still frequently used. Can be purchased freely in pharmacies tar ointment by 5-10%, which is often very useful to relieve the symptoms of eczema. The drawback is that it smells unpleasant.

- Antihistaminika

This drug is used to treat itching due to hives, dry skin and insect stings. These substances are efficacious against the effects of histamine, which is released in allergic reactions of mast cells of the skin and mucosa. Hisatamin is another major cause of the itching and swelling. Also on eczema, antihistaminika often can relieve itching, but it's good effects last only for a while. Its use on the skin is not recommended because it often leads to excessive sensitivity reactions.

Of the many preparations antihistamine available in the market, there are several free cream with good effects as itching, ie, promethazine (Phenergan) and tripelennamin (AAA), as well as lotion with diphenhydramine (comb. Caladryl).

When eczema spread throughout the body, it is more practical and effective to take medication (tablets, capsules, syrup), which works through the blood. Therefore, always ready promethazine (Phenergan), feniramin (Avil) and diphenhydramine (Benadryl)

If antihistaminika less effect, the doctor may prescribe prescription drugs, hormone hydrocortisone kidney sons, who in addition to fight inflammation, too powerless antigatal strong. That is widely used among others hydrocortisone (Locoid) and its synthetic derivative of triamcinolone (Kenacort) and fluokortolon (Ultralan).

- Hydrocortisone

A child-kidney hormone naturally. This is very powerful Kortikoida alleviate the immune response and relieve the itching of eczema, but only temporarily. After some time, the eczema will recur again suddenly. The first choice is hydrocortisone acetate 1% because these substances although his power is slower, but recurrence of symptoms is also not so fast compared to other drugs with properties that are 10-20 times more powerful.

How to use it is applying a cream / ointment hydrocortisone as thin as possible on the location of eczema. To strengthen the effect can be covered with a thin plastic sheet. If after 5 days not produce the effect, you can try other types of more powerful, such as hydrocortisone butyrate 0.1% or 0.1% triamcinolone and if necessary also with plastic closures. Usually mild eczema subside and heal within 5-10 days.

Other drugs, particularly diflukortolon, the most robust efficacy and should be used as a reserve for cases of more severe. After five days (two times daily) with corticoid cream use should be limited to 2 times a week for under the epidermis being buried enough of the drug to work over the next 2-3 days. Treatment interspersed with a neutral beige, beige Lanette example, that after three days replaced with beige drug. Similarly, if the eczema is gone, the treatment must be continued some time with a neutral beige fat.

The side effects can be kisutnya epidermis and cuticle, which becomes thin as paper and when hit just a little pockmark blue and abrasions. Skin thinning also appear as stripes.

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