Thursday, February 4, 2016

Garlic Benefits

For the health benefits of garlic has been used in a number of practice of traditional medicine. Garlic is used as one of the most important culinary herbs, has many health benefits. Here below is more information about the benefits of garlic for health.

Eating garlic is very beneficial to health, it has been used for over 500 years now. Besides popular for use as a spice in many culinary dishes, there are also people who enjoy eating a few cloves of raw garlic, without worrying about their bad breath. It can be consumed in the form of powder or oil form. Nutrition and a variety of herbal medicinal properties of garlic are what makes it so useful.
Garlic Benefits

The nutritional content of garlic

There are various benefits of garlic for health, it is because garlic contains nutrients include vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, selenium, zinc and manganese. It is a rich source of sulfur compound called allicin, as the cause of the pungent smell of garlic. Other sulfur compounds contained in garlic, among others arginine, saponins, beta carotene, ferulic acid, geraniol, and various polyohenol. Garlic has a variety of properties such as antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial and analgesic. Garlic when cooked tend to lose some nutrients, but still can be beneficial for health.

Garlic's health benefits

Nutrition and characteristics of garlic provides health benefits if consumed regularly.

One of the benefits of garlic for health is the ability to fight and protect against the development of harmful free radicals. The ability to have especially shown by garlic old, who has a very strong antioxidant effect.

Cold and cough medicine
Garlic is the most known medicine to treat colds, coughs, and runny nose caused by allergies. This is because garlic is a rich source of vitamin C and antiviral properties as well as a powerful antibacterial. Garlic also has the ability to reduce upper respiratory tract infections are severe.

drug infection
Allicin and antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and anti-parasitic properties contained in garlic makes it very useful in combating and curing many kinds of infection.

Anti cancer
Research has shown that compounds in garlic help in overcoming cancer. Certain compounds help white blood cells in defending the body against cancer cells and slow the growth and development of cancer cells.

Daily consumption of garlic is useful to increase the level of insulin secretion that helps regulate blood sugar levels in diabetics.

Cholesterol and blood pressure
One of the benefits of garlic is that it helps lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels for the nutrients and minerals it contains.

impotence treatment
Garlic aphrodisiac properties make it useful in the treatment of impotence. Garlic contains an enzyme called nitric oxide synthase which helps overcome impotence.

The immune system
Regular consumption of garlic a day can boost the immune system. Garlic increases the production of white blood cells and interferon enzymes that boost the immune system.

Improve brain performance
The sulfur compounds - sallylcystein help improve brain function by improving memory and prevent the degeneration of the frontal lobes of the brain.

These are some of the many benefits of garlic for health. You can also use and enjoy the health benefits of garlic by putting it in the daily menu or consume one or two cloves of garlic.

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