Showing posts with label fruit to treat cancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fruit to treat cancer. Show all posts

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Benefits, efficacy and content of cherry fruit for health

Benefits, efficacy and content of cherry fruit for health

Cherries, the fruit may have been familiar in your ears. Yes, the fruits are small and cute is indeed very popular with people from all over the world. But do you know the origin of cherries?. cherry believed to come from the Australian continent. There are many types of cherries from all over the world. But the cherry of the genus prunus needs a cold climate to grow. For growth, the plants classified cherries very long to bear fruit. If grown from seed, it takes about 2 to 3 years to bear fruit. Cherry trees should also be regularly pruned to produce new branches. With so many branches that grow, cherries will be many more. Well it's a glimpse of history and information about the plants of cherries. Do you want to know the content of cherries? The following is the content contained in cherries.

The nutritional content of cherries per 100 grams
Calories 50
% Daily Value *
Total Fat 0.3 g 0%
Saturated fat 0.1 g 0%
0.1 g polyunsaturated fat
0.1 g monounsaturated fat
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Sodium 3 mg 0%
Potassium 173 mg 4%
Total Carbohydrate 12 g 4%
Dietary fiber 1.6 g 6%
Sugar 8 g
Protein 1 g 2%
Vitamin A 25%
Vitamin C 16%
Calcium 1%
Iron 1%
Vitamin D 0%
Vitamin B-6 0%
Vitamin B-12 0%
Magnesium 2%

The benefits of cherries for our health

Cherry fruit useful to counteract free radicals
For those of you who are often exposed to the flu or other illnesses, you may need to consume cherries. With the content of anthocyanins in cherries, can protect the body from free radicals. Anthocyanins also can activate the system ennzim detoxification and antioxidant in the body. Anthocyanins also provides protection against blood vessels and brain cells, and also can prevent degenerative diseases such as dementia.

Cherry fruit useful to prevent cancer
Maybe some of you learned that cherries can prevent cancer growth. This is because the cherries containing sianidin. Sianidin serves as a deterrent to healthy cells turn into cancer cells. Moreover, sianidin can prevent colon cancer.

Cherry fruit beneficial for pain relief
In the body there are two enzymes that play a role in inflammation and pain sensation. The enzyme is COX 1 and COX 2. With cherry juice consumed the body will produce fewer enzymes COX 1 and COX 2. Thus the sensation of pain will be reduced. Cherry juice can reduce the sensation of pain by 20%. Great right.

Cherry fruit useful to prevent stroke
A study from the University of Michigan Health System found that the acid contained in cherries beneficial to cardiovascular health such as pharmaceutical drugs. Amazingly this acid can also reduce the risk of stroke. With this acid, balance and coordination body will experience a significant increase. Acids in cherries also can lose weight.

Cherry fruit beneficial for diabetics
As we know, the cherries there are compounds called anthocyanins. Turns research from Michigan State University found that when a person regularly consuming cherries. The body will produce more insulin, even up to 50%. Even if exposure to the most active anthocyanin, the body will produce up to 2 times as much insulin. So for those of you who are experiencing diabetes or symptoms. Cherries could be your daily menu.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

History, benefits and content of passion fruit for health

History, benefits and content of passion fruit for health

Do you know the passion fruit? passion fruit has many health benefits. But first let us get to know the origin of passion fruit. Passion fruit comes from Americans who have subtropics climate, such as Brazil, Venezuela, and Colombia. Passion fruit plant is a climbing shrub and can have a length up to 20 meters or more. In Indonesia, there are two types of passion fruit are purple and yellow passion passion fruit are numerous in North Sumatra and South Sulawesi.

The nutritional content per 100 grams of passion fruit
Water 72%
Protein 3 g
12 grams fat
Carbohydrates 13.4 grams
12.8 grams of fiber
Abu 0.5 grams
Calcium 6.8 mg
Phosphorus 63.8 mg
Iron 0.6 mg
Sodium 8 mg
Potassium 208 mg
23.3 mg ascorbic acid

Passion fruit for health benefits

Passion fruit can prevent heart disease
One of the benefits of passion fruit is that it can prevent heart disease. Hmm, does the content of what could be good for the heart? the answer is potassium. In passion fruit contained potassium quite a lot. In one there is a passion fruit ¼ potassium that can meet the needs of our body potassium. Potassium can also control blood pressure. So for those of you who love your heart, there is no harm if you include passion fruit in your daily menu.

Passion fruit can improve blood circulation
Not only controls blood pressure but also can improve blood circulation. There are so many benefits of passion fruit yes. In passion fruit contained iron and copper. Both of these substances is essential for our body to produce red blood cells and dilates blood vessels. With the number of red blood cell production in the body, the oxygen will flow freely so that all cells of the body we considered to be healthy.

Passion fruit can be healthy digestion
Passion fruit is also good for digestive health. This is because the fruit has a lot of fiber in the flesh. One passion fruit can fulfill 98% of our fiber needs. Extreme right. Fiber is a substance that is essential for digestion because of the fiber can move the food passes through the digestive tract. By regularly consuming passion fruit we we can reduce the risk of constipation.

Passion fruit can nourish the eyes
There's more passion fruit benefits? Yes, of course. In addition to those described above. It turns passion fruit can nourish the eye. because of passion fruit contains vitamins A sufficient. Vitamin A can prevent macular degeneration, cataracts, and blindness. In addition to nourish the eye. Vitamin A is also good for maintaining healthy skin. Vitamin A in the passion fruit can stimulate membrane function throughout the body including the skin to always moist and glowing.

Passion fruit can keep the immune system
Passion fruit can also keep the immune system. This is because of the passion fruit contains a lot of vitamin C. The vitamin C in addition to passion fruit also contains carotene and cryptoxanthin. All of these substances act as antioxidants which can counteract free radicals that enter the body. Vitamin C also stimulates the body to produce white blood cells that help to fight disease.

Passion fruit can prevent cancer
Benefits greatest passion fruit passion fruit is beneficial for preventing cancer. In the passion fruit are flavonoids and phenolic compounds. Such compounds have been shown to fight the growth of cancer, particularly lung cancer and oral cancer. So if you want to be free of cancer, you can consume passion fruit every day.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Benefits, history and content of cranberries

Benefits, history and content of cranberries

Before we review the benefits of cranberries, we should know the origin of the cranberry fruit. Cranberries come from Europe and America, although it grows in many Asian countries. Cranberry has many names. Such fenberry and mossberry. Cranberry much to bear fruit in early October. Dark red cranberry fruit when harvested. Long ago the Indians collect cranberries in swamps and peat. When the Indians offered cranberries to immigrants from Europe, the people of Europe very much. The Europeans consider cranberry fruit more delicious than berries. Ok, that's a glimpse of cranberries.

The content of nutrients contained in cranberries per 100gram
46 calories
% Daily Value *
Total Fat 0.1 g 0%
Saturated Fat 0 g 0%
0.1 g polyunsaturated fat
Monounsaturated fat 0 g
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Sodium 2 mg 0%
Potassium 85 mg 2%
Total Carbohydrate 12 g 4%
Dietary fiber 4.6 g 18%
4 g sugar
Protein 0.4 g 0%
Vitamin A 1% Vitamin C 22%
Calcium 0% Iron 1%
Vitamin D 0% Vitamin B-6 5%
Vitamin B-12 0% Magnesium 1%

Health benefits of cranberries for

Cranberries may prevent diabetes
Contained in cranberries are high in vitamin C, this is very good for people with diabetes and to prevent diabetes. But wait, the excess cranberries not only on its own vitamin C. Fruit cranberries contain less sugar compared to other berries such as strawberries. This is the advantage cranberries. So if you want to control your blood sugar levels. Insert menu cranberry fruit in your daily menu.

The content of cranberries can kill bad bacteria
Compounds in cranberries are manifold pro-anthoyanidins flavanoid which is able to resist or kill the bad bacteria that exist in our bodies. So cranberries are very good for you who are in the process of recovering from illness caused by bacteria.

Cranberries may prevent cancer
Almost all of our organs can be infected by cancer. To prevent cancer, you can consume cranberries every day to prevent cancer. Because cranberries contain phytochemicals that are very effective against cancer. In addition to cancer cranberries can prevent tumors and other anti-inflammatory diseases.

Cranberries may reduce high blood pressure
One cause of high blood pressure is less smooth blood circulation. By eating cranberries contain a lot of vitamin C, our blood circulation going smoothly and keeping our HDL levels.

Cranberries can keep skin beauty
For those of you who want to look beautiful and youthful, it is advisable to consume the whole fruit or cranberry juice with a little water and sugar. Drink cranberry juice regularly three times a week, you will get a fair skin and removes dull skin. Phytochemicals in cranberries may also prevent you from heart disease. You definitely want beautiful inside right.

Cranberries can prevent respiratory disease
One cause is a bacterial respiratory disease. Aemophilus bacteria such as influenza can cause ear infections and breathing, especially in children. If you want to prevent this disease that affects not your child, you can give your child cranberries. Because the content in this fruit can inhibit the growth of bacteria.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Pomegranate, history and health benefits

Pomegranate, history and health benefits

Before we discuss the various health benefits of pomegranates for. We should know the history of the pomegranate itself. Latin name pomegranate punica granatum is a fruit plant which has a tree height of 5 to 8 meters. Many studies suggest that pomegranate comes from the State of Iran. Although breeding is mostly done in the Mediterranean area. Pomegranate is also found in southern China and in countries in Southeast Asia. Pomegranate can be grown in areas that have a subtropical climate to tropical climates and can grow under an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level.

The nutritional content of pomegranate per 100 grams
Energy 83 kcal 4%
Carbohydrates 18.70 g 14%
Protein 1.67 g 3%
1:17 g Total Fat 6%
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Dietary Fiber 4 g 11%
Folate 38 mg of 9.5%
Niacin 0.293 mg 2%
Pantothenic acid 0135 mg 3%
0075 mg pyridoxine 6%
Riboflavin 0.053 mg 4%
Thiamin 0.067 mg of 5.5%
Vitamin A 0 IU 0%
Vitamin C 10.2 mg 17%
Vitamin E 0.60 mg 4%
Vitamin K 16.4 mg 14%
Sodium 3 mg 0%
Potassium 236 mg 5%
Calcium 10 mg 1%
Copper 18% 0158 mg
0:30 mg iron 4%
Magnesium 12 mg 3%
Manganese 0.119 mg 5%
Phosphorus 36 mg 5%
Selenium 0.5 mg 1%
0:35 mg of zinc 3%

Pomegranate health benefits

Pomegranate may fight cancer
As we all know that there are substances in fruits that can inhibit the growth of cancer cells in our body and fight cancer cells without side effects. The substance is a polyphenol. This polyphenol substance found in some fruits, one of which is the pomegranate. Besides resistance to cancer cells is also reinforced by the anti-oxidant substances contained in pomegranates. So if you want to live a healthy life without cancer, keep your diet and eat pomegranates routine.

Pomegranates can prevent heart disease
Pomegranate fruit contains a lot of antioxidants that are good for our health. Pomegranate also contains a lot of fiber that serves to regulate the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood. It is very good for our heart health. In addition to antioxidants and fiber, pomegranate also contains rare. These substances are compounds punicalagins. These substances are also very potent against bad cholesterol. If the body contains very little cholesterol, the heart has to work optimally. In addition pomegranates contain potassium 259 mg / 100 g. Potassium is a substance that is very important to maintain a healthy heart.

Pomegranate is useful to prevent premature aging
In the pomegranate fruit contains many vitamins such as vitamin A and vitamin C that can nourish your skin. Pomegranates also contain iron which is believed to protect the body, especially the skin from free radicals. Vitamins and iron can also stop the cell damage caused by aging or free radicals. Pomegranates also can prevent cancer, especially skin cancer. Helps eliminate the effects of sunburn, and keep the skin from sun exposure. Anti-oxidants in pomegranate include ellagic. Ellagic is a polyphenol antioxidant that works to inhibit the growth of skin cancer cells.

High vitamin C content in pomegranates can help the body to produce collagen that makes skin healthy, soft, smooth, and fast. Substances in pomegranate also stimulates fibroplasts that form collagen and elastin. Not only fibroplasts, pomegranate dalma substances also stimulate the proliferation of keratinocytes, keratinocyte proliferation serves to form the epidermal layer of the dermis maupn. So for those of you who want to always stay young, do not forget to include Pomegranate in your daily menu.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Blackberry, history and health benefits for the heart and pregnant women

Blackberry, history and health benefits for the heart and pregnant women

Blackberry is a fruit species in the genus Rubus and from the tribe Rosaceae. Blackberry fruit is not actually a berry, but an aggregate fruit. Aggregate fruit is the fruit of a small drupelet coming together or clustered. Blackberry fruit can be grown in the subtropics climates such as in North America and Europe.

The nutritional content of fruit blackberry
Energy 43 kcal
Total fiber 5.3 g 21%
4.9 g total sugars
Calcium, Ca 29 mg 3%
Magnesium, Mg 20 mg 5%
Manganese, Mn 0.6 mg 32%
Copper, Cu 0.2 mg 8%
Potassium, K 162 mg 5%
Sodium, Na 1 mg 0%
Vitamin C 21 mg 35%
Vitamin A, IU 214 IU 4%
Vitamin K, g 20 g 25%
Folic acid, ug 36 ug 9%
Beta carotene 128 mg ne
Lutein + zeaxanthin 118 mcg ne

Blackberry fruit for health benefits

Blackberry fruit is good for pregnant women
In blackberry fruit are substances that are very good for the growth of the fetus. The substance is folate. Folic acid or vitamin B9 is very important to the process of cell growth and division in the fetus. Fetus will grow perfectly if the nutrients consumed by the mother is also good. So, time to consume the fruit blackberry for those who are pregnant. In addition to folic acid. In blackberry fruit content of vitamin K are very useful for pregnant women. Vitamin K can help pregnant women in reducing nausea and want to vomit, especially young women who are pregnant.

Blackberry fruit can prevent heart disease
If the blood vessels in our body smoothly, then the work of the heart we will be lighter. In blackberry fruit are very berrmanfaat fiber to eliminate the bad cholesterol that can inhibit the blood vessel system we. So if you want to remove cholesterol and improving blood vessel and heart healthy, often consume blackberry fruit will be very helpful. Coupled with the content of phytoestrogens that can nourish your heart.

Blackberry fruit for beauty
The content in fruit blackberry very believable to nourish the skin and beautify the skin. Blackberry fruit can also help remove wrinkles. It is very easy.

  • Mix one handheld blackberry fruit, yogurt, and honey as much as one tablespoon
  • You can use a blender to mix all ingredients until evenly mixed.
  • Once mixed evenly, apply to the skin of the face and neck and leave on for 15 minutes then wash by rinsing with clean water.

Do it once a week and you can see results in a month.

Blackberry fruit can improve brain function
In blackberry fruit contains substances that are good for brain development. The substance is fisetin and flavonoids. Both substances are very good for improving brain memory, especially for people who have elderly. Both of these substances also help the brain to recall forgotten memories.

Blackberry fruit can inhibit cancer growth
Antioxidants found in fruit blackberry is very good for the body, especially to fight cancer cells. These antioxidants are anthocyanins. Anthocyanins substances capable of inhibiting the growth of tumor cells present in our body. Not only that, there is also a blackberry fruit flavonoid substance which is also called C3G. flavonoids work to fight cancer cells in our body, especially lung cancer cells. Not only cell lung cancer, flavonoids may also be able to inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the cervix. So if you want to be free of cancer, you should begin to diligently consume blackberry fruit.

Blackberry fruit is able to nourish the eyes
If a person who is elderly, there will be the formation of macular pigment. To prevent that, it takes luein. This Luein contained in blackberry fruit. Luein substances also help prevent damage to the eyes caused by too much sun, causing fatal damage to the eye.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Guava, history and health benefits

Guava, history and health benefits

Guava fruit has a lot of variants. This is because the guava fruit is often carried crosses through cuttings. Guava plant is believed to come from Brazil Central America. From brasil guava plants spread to Thailand, but less so ddiketahui how the spread of guava plant can be up in Thailand. Most likely these plants were brought by the Spanish. That is a brief history of the spread of guava fruit. Next we peek any existing content in guava.

The content of the guava fruit per 100 grams

Calories 49 cal
Vitamin A 25 SI
0.02 mg vitamin B1
Vitamin C 87 mg
Calcium 14 mg
Charcoal hydrate 12.2 grams
Phosphorus 28 mg
Iron 1.1 mg
Protein 0.9 mg
0.3 grams fat
Water 86 grams
After 5.4 fiber grams / 100 grams of fruit and 14% of the DRA
Poly-phenolic antioxidant compounds
Lycopene substance

Guava for health benefits

Guava fruit is beneficial for preventing cancer
In guava fruit there are many vitamins and minerals that are good for our health. In guava fruit also has antioxidant polyphenolic compounds and flavonoids. Polyphenolic very important to keep the body from cancer. It is proven that the polyphenolic have anti-inflammatory properties. Although in our bodies there are cancer cells. With these polyphenolic, the cancer cells can not grow rapidly. Polyphenolic is also beneficial to fight free radicals ,, boost our immune system, and also enhances the blood circulation thereby easing the heart of our work. see also fruits to treat cancer, peaches, longan, star fruit, mangosteen, pineapple

Guava fruit for diet
Guava fruit is very good for those who are in the process diet. It is because of guava can cause a sensation of fullness. This is because the sensation of satiety guava fruit contains as well as the many and binding of food in the stomach. Guava fruit also contains nutrients that are beneficial to the body's metabolism and keep your weight remains ideal.

Guava fruit can cope with diabetes
Fibers contained in the guava fruit can regulate the absorption of sugar in the digestive system. Research shows that guava can help prevent type 2 diabetes by eating guava fruit on a regular basis.

Guava fruit to nourish the eye
Guava is a fruit with vitamin A are abundant. By regularly consume guava fruit on a regular basis, it will slow the rise of cataracts and degeneration in the elderly. For those of you that his eyesight has begun to decline. It is advisable to consume a guava fruit regularly

Guava fruit helps formation of red blood cells
Guava fruit contains a lot of vitamins and minerals that are good for our bodies. Vitamin E, vitamin K, folate, niasain, copper, manganese, nthothenic acid, and magnesium. All it really helps the body to increase the production of red blood cells in the body. If our red blood cells increases, the asupann oxygen to the cells in our body will also increase. This makes our body is always fresh and fit.

Guava fruit for skin beauty

In guava fruit contained lycopene content as much as 2.9 grams. It is very good to protect the skin from exposure to UV rays and pollution that more and more. If you are in a big city you should start paying attention to your skin. Guava fruit is also very useful to improve skin texture and tighten sagging skin and make our skin becomes more elastic astringent content in guava is also effective to treat acne, dark spots, and wrinkles. So if you want a beautiful skin and beautiful, regularly consume guava fruit for the health of your skin

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Benefits and efficacy of peaches for cancer and beauty

Benefits and efficacy of peaches for cancer and beauty

Before we review the benefits and efficacy of peaches for cancer and beauty, it is good we know the history of the peaches. Peach is a fruit that has a sweet taste with a little astringent, more or less like a mango. Reddish yellow peach color, if it is ripe to be colored red. Peaches has the Latin name prunus persica. This plant is believed to originate from China since 2000 BC. Estimated peaches began to spread when trading era where many countries are involved in the trade. Well after a little review of the history and forms of peach, let us peek existing content in peaches.

Nutrient content in peaches per 100 grams

Total Fat 0.2 g
0.1 g polyunsaturated fat
0.1 g monounsaturated fat
Potassium 190 mg 5%
Total Carbohydrate 10 g 3%
Dietary fiber 1.5 g 6%
Sugar 8 g
Protein 0.9 g 1%
Vitamin A 6%
Vitamin C 11%
Iron 1%
Magnesium 2%

Peaches for health benefits

Peaches beneficial for healthy skin
In the peaches are many vitamins that are good for our bodies. One is vitamin C. Vitamin C is very good for our skin. Especially in women who want their skin always looks gorgeous. Vitamin C is able to stimulate the formation of collagen in the skin. If you have wrinkles or sores on your skin, you should frequently consume peaches. Due to the increased production of collagen in the skin, will remove wrinkles and scars on the skin.

Vitamin C can counteract free radicals and pollution. As we know that our air quality is getting worse, especially in large urban areas that contain lots of free radicals and pollution. Consuming peaches are excellent for keeping the intake of vitamin C in our bodies. Because vitamin C is very good to fight free radicals that cause our skin becomes unhealthy.

Vitamin C in peaches also serve to moisturize the skin. If you have dry skin, you should also regularly consume peaches. Because it has been proven that vitamin C in peaches can keep the moisture in your skin. So your skin will always be bright and healthy. see also fruits for beauty
Benefits of lemon for beauty and dietThe benefits and efficacy of a melon for beauty and pregnant women
Peaches can fight cancer
Cancer is a deadly disease, hundreds of people affected by cancer each year. But did you know that in the peaches are compounds that can fight cancer? The substance is selenium. Selenium can synergize with vitamin E. both can be very powerful drugs to fight cancer. see also fruits to treat cancer
5 benefits of longan fruitStar fruit benefits for health and for diabetes
Peaches beneficial for healthy digestion
When you frequent abdominal pain or difficulty to defecate. Perhaps your digestive system is not good either. Peach fruit contains fiber and minerals that are good for your digestive system. The content of the peach is able to clean your bad bacteria in the digestive tract. And make your stomach feel comfortable.

Peaches useful to nourish the kidneys and bladder
In China, peach very trusted to make our kidneys become clean and healthy .. with regularly consume peaches, not just the kidneys. Bladder we also will be clean and healthy.

Peaches useful for curing rheumatism
In Chinese medicine, has been proven to consume rutiin peaches, rheumatism gradually disappeared. This is because the peaches have pain relief properties.

Peaches could be your diet menu

Peaches have a very little amount of calories, but it has the nutrients and benefits very much. This is why peaches are very good dikoonsumsi to you who are dieting.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

5 benefits of longan fruit

5 benefits of longan fruit

do you know the origin of longan fruit State? Longan fruit comes from the State of Vietnam. Longan fruit is round like a ping-pong ball, yellowish brown in color. Longan fruit flesh thin with slightly translucent white color. Longan seeds blackish brown. Longan fruit shape is almost similar to duku, but longan fruit shape is more rounded. Not many know how this Longan fruit deployment in Europe and America. Although small, longan fruit is also beneficial to health. But before we discuss the benefits of longan fruit for health, we should know the nutritional content of the longan fruit.

The nutritional content of longan fruit per 100 grams

15 grams carbohydrate
1.3 grams protein
1.1 grams of fiber
83 grams of water
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) 0.031 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.14 mg
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 0.3 mg
Vitamin C 84 mg
Calcium 1 mg
Iron 0.13 mg
Manganese 0.05 mg
Magnesium 10 mg
Phosphorus 21 mg
Potassium 266 mg
Zinc 0.05 mg

Usefulness and efficacy of longan fruit for health

Longan fruit can be useful for treating hypertension
In longan fruit are an anti-depressant, this substance has benefits for calming the nerves and also simultaneously improve nerve function. Longan fruit is also very suitable for someone who is suffering from hypertension due to eating fruits longan your blood pressure will go down. Longan fruit is also very good for people with insomnia. But for someone who has low blood, is not advisable to consume this fruit.

Longan fruit can be beneficial for heart health
If you are experiencing signs of heart disease, you should begin to consume longan fruit. Longan fruit can make us calm, this makes the work of our heart be light. Longan fruit can prevent cardiovascular disease and stroke. see also fruit for people with heart disease
Benefits and efficacy of durian (King of fruits)History, benefits, and the content of the jenitri fruit is good for health
Longan fruit can be beneficial to fight cancer cells
Do you know if the longan fruit are substances that can fight cancer? substances that can fight cancer cells in longan fruit is a polyphenol. Though it can not treat cancer with only consume longan fruit, but at least it could prevent cancer in our body. see also fruit to treat cancer
Fruit and Soursop Leaves to Treat Cancerthe benefits of the mangosteen fruit and mangosteen juice
Longan fruit could be your diet menu
Why longan fruit could be your diet? because the longan fruit are only a few calories. In half longan fruit bowl contained only 35 calories. Is not that very few calories compared to other fruit. Despite its low calorie longan fruit provide energy for the body because they contain complex carbohydrates. So you need not worry be weak if taking this longan fruit. see also fruit for diet
5 benefits of longan fruitKiwi fruit benefits for people with diabetes and pregnant women
Longan fruit useful to prevent premature aging
In longan fruit are anti-aging substance. These substances can serve to prevent wrinkling of the skin and brighten skin tone. See how the Asian skin, their skin bright and youthful.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Star fruit benefits for health and for diabetes

Star fruit benefits for health and for diabetes

In my article, this time I will discuss about the various benefits and properties contained in the star fruit. Before we discuss the benefits of star fruit for health, let us review the history of the star fruit and star fruit from the State actually originated. Many people think that if the star fruit comes from Indonesia. Indeed, a lot of trees growing on various islands in Indonesia. But the real star fruit comes from India. This information is obtained from botanical origin of the Soviet Union. Star fruit spread from India to neighboring countries in the surrounding tropical climates like Malaysia and Indonesia. Many health benefits of star fruit. Here the content of the star fruit.

The content contained on the star fruit per 100 grams

Energy (cal) 36
Protein (g) 0.40
Fat (g) 0.40
Carbohydrate (g) 8.80
Calcium (mg) 4.00
Phosphorus (mg) 12.00
Iron (mg) 1.6
Vit A (Si) 170.00
Vitamin B1 (mg) 0.03
Vit C (mg) 35.00
Water (g) 90.00
Fiber (g) 0.90
Section which can be eaten 86.00

Star fruit for health benefits

Star fruit can be useful to increase endurance
As we know that a fruit that has a moisture content which has a high water content, also has a high vitamin C content. Similarly, star fruit has a high vitamin C content. To improve and maintain endurance, star fruit also contains ions that are useful to restore your body fluids. If you like the activity that a lot of sweat, star fruit is suitable for your activity terminate it. Star fruit will restore your body fluids as well as your mood at work.

Star fruit useful to deal with diabetes
The content of star fruit is rich in vitamins and minerals are good for you who have diabetes. Belimibing fruit can control your blood sugar levels, so you do not need to worry if your blood sugar levels rise. In addition to controlling blood sugar levels. The content of star fruit can control blood pressure, reduce fever, and prevent cholesterol

Star fruit can be healthy digestion
In the star fruit are very high fiber content. This fiber is very beneficial for the digestive system. In addition to smooth bowel movement, the fiber in star fruit can also help in the absorption of LDL cholesterol found in foods in the intestine. Not only that, the fiber in star fruit can protect the mucous membranes of the intestinal wall against toxic substances, and bind harmful chemicals in the colon.

Star fruit is beneficial to maintain the beauty of skin and hair
If the star fruit is used as a mask for the face. Zinc content in star fruit will treat acne and prevent acne reappeared. This is due in addition to zinc, the content of the star fruit has anti-microbial properties that can kill the bacteria that cause acne. If the star fruit is used for hair masks, vitamin B complex will keep the hair in order to remain strong and healthy. see also fruits for beauty
Star fruit benefits for health and for diabetesHistory, benefits, and the content of the jenitri fruit is good for healthpapaya nutritional benefits for health7 The benefits of citrus fruits for the beauty and health of your body

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

the benefits of the mangosteen fruit and mangosteen juice

the benefits of the mangosteen fruit and mangosteen juice

before we review about the benefits of the mangosteen fruit and mangosteen juice, let us review the history of the mangosteen fruit. Mangosteen fruit is a fruit that comes from Indonesia. If in Indonesia we know the durian fruit is king, then queen of fruit is mangosteen fruit. Mangosteen fruit called Garcinia Mangostana latin L.di Southeast Asian mangosteen fruit is known by a lot of benefits. The fruit is rarely found because of slow growth. Because of the slow growth then continues cultivated fruit crops. Mangosteen fruit widely spread in Southeast Asia such as Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Myanmar and Papua New Guinea. Although less prevalent, the mangosteen fruit has been known by researchers in western countries since 1631.

The content contained in the mangosteen fruit per 100 grams

Calories 59 from Fat 3.60
0:40 g Total Fat 0.6%
0.100 g Saturated fat 0.5%
Cholesterol 0 mg 0.0%
Sodium 0 mg 0.0%
15:30 Total Carbohydrates 5.1 g%
Dietary Fiber 2.7 g 10.8%
0:20 g Protein 0.4%
Vitamin C 10.0%
Vitamin B1 Thiamin 1.3%
Vitamin B2 Riboflavin 0.6%
Vitamin B3 Niacin 0.5%
Vitamin B5 pantothenic acid acid 0.6%
Vitamin B6 2.5%
Calcium 0.7%
Iron 1.1%
Potassium 3.3%
Phosphorus 0.7%
Magnesium 1.3%
Copper 2.0%
Manganese 2.5%
C Cysteine ​​0.6%
F Phenylalanine 0.6%
I Isoleucine 0.6%
K Lysine 0.6%
L Leucine 0.4%
M Methionine 0.4%
T Threonine 0.7%
Tyrosine 0.5%
V Valin 0.5%
W Tryptophan 0.7%

The benefits of the mangosteen fruit and mangosteen rind

Mangosteen fruit can help prevent and fight cancer
Much of the research in the world found that the mangosteen fruit are compounds that act as anti-cancer. These substances are compounds E. garcinone the compound serves to prevent the development of tumors in our body. In the mangosteen fruit, especially in the skin there is a substance called Xanthones. Xanthones very effective to inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the colon. It showed that the mangosteen fruit has the potential to be used as a cancer drug that could cure various types of cancer. Can also be combined with anti-cancer drugs to get maximum results and reduce the negative effects of the chemotherapy. see also fruits to treat cancer
the benefits of the mangosteen fruit and mangosteen juiceNutritional Benefits of Pineapple7 Benefits of fresh lychee fruit for healthBenefits and nutrients on the fruit rambutan (hairy fruit)Fruit and Soursop Leaves to Treat CancerBenefits, efficacy and content of strawberries for beauty and health
Mangosteen fruit acts as an anti-inflammatory
Inflammation in the body is characterized by the release of histamine and prostaglandins which makes us become inflamed. The content in this mangosteen fruit can inhibit the release of prostaglandins and histamine that inflammation in our body will not last long. Even prior to the research on mangosteen fruit, the people in Southeast Asia believe, by consuming mangosteen fruit, will accelerate the wound healing process.

Mangosteen fruit is beneficial for maintaining healthy skin
We know in the fruit and rind of the mangosteen are Xanthones content. Xanthones, in addition to preventing and fighting cancer. Xanthones also serves as an anti-oxidant and anti inflmasi very strong. Anti-oxidants can contribute to reduce inflammation of the skin, prevent skin aging, fight allergies, and infections caused by bacteria. A study also showed that the fruit could mmanggis treat skin cancer. see also fruits for beauty
the benefits of the mangosteen fruit and mangosteen juiceKiwi fruit benefits for people with diabetes and pregnant women7 Benefits of fresh lychee fruit for health7 The benefits of citrus fruits for the beauty and health of your bodyHistory, benefits, and the content of the jenitri fruit is good for healthBenefits, efficacy and content of strawberries for beauty and health
Mangosteen fruit useful to boost immunity
In the mangosteen fruit there are a lot of vitamins to boost immunity such as vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, and vitamin B6. This vitamin plays an important role in enhancing the immune system of our body. Coupled with Xanthones which act as anti-oxidants make this exceptional fruit.

Nutritional Benefits of Pineapple

nutritional benefits of pineapple

You've been eating pineapple? probably most of us had never even often consume pineapple. But do you know the nutritional benefits of pineapple? a lot of properties and benefits of pineapple. But first let's let's add to our knowledge about the history of the pineapple. Many of the historians and botany expert say that pineapple came from southern Brazil and Paraguay. Pineapple fruit cultivated by local residents until the pineapple can be found all over the islands in the Caribbean in South America. In 1493, Columbus who was reaching to the American continent, discovered the pineapple in the Caribbean Guadalupe. Then Columbus brought the pineapple to European continent. This is the beginning of pineapple spread in Europe and then worldwide.

Sales of canned pineapple in the container, first introduced by captain John Kidwell. This effort was very successful and well liked in 1880. Unfortunately in 1898 this business had to be closed because at that time the United States government set a very high tax to the business. Now that we know a brief history of the pineapple. Let us see what nutrients are contained in the pineapple.

Nutritional of pineapple

Water 87.24 g
Energy 45 kcal
Protein 0:55 g
Total lipid (fat) 0:13 g
Ash 0:27 g
Carbohydrate, by difference 11.82 g
Sugars, total g 8:29
Sucrose 4:59 g
Glucose (dextrose) 1.76 g
Fructose 1.94 g
Calcium 13 mg
Iron, Fe 0:25 mg
Magnesium, Mg 12 mg
Phosphorus, P 9 mg
Potassium, K 125 mg
Sodium, Na 1 mg
Zinc, Zn 0:08 mg
Copper, Cu 0081 mg
Manganese, Mn 1,593 mg
Vitamin C 16.9 mg
Thiamin 0078 mg
Riboflavin 0.029 mg
Niacin 0.470 mg
0193 mg pantothenic acid
Vitamin B-6 0106 mg
Folate, a total of 11 mcg
Folate, food 11 mcg
Choline, total 5.6 mg
Betaine 0.1 mg
Vitamin A, RAE 3 mcg_RAE
Carotene, beta 31 mcg
Vitamin A 52 iu
Vitamin K (phylloquinone) 0.7 mcg

nutritional benefits of pineapple

the content of the pineapple fruit can prevent cancer and protect the body from free radicals
In pineapple fruit contained a substance that is very powerful and special. These substances can serve as an anti-cancer without causing side effects. The substance is bromelain. Pineapple has been investigated by the Queensland Institute of Medical Research. The result is very extraordinary, there are two molecules in bromelain. Molecules CCS and CCZ. CCS molecules can withstand the Ras protein that can be found in 30% of cancer. While CCZ can serve to enhance the body's immune system and can simultaneously recognize and fight cancer cells. It is remarkable findings.

Both of these molecules in bromelain can prevent the development of tumor cells in the lung, breast, ovarian, colon, and melanoma. Bromelain can also be used to reduce the ill effects arising after chemotherapy.

Manganese in fruit nanastermasuk co-factor enzyme superoxide dismutase. It serves as an antidote to free radicals which are very strong. Besides manganese, pineapple also contains vitamin C which also serves as an antidote to free radicals. see also fruits to treat cancer
Nutritional Benefits of Pineapple7 Benefits of fresh lychee fruit for healthBenefits and nutrients on the fruit rambutan (hairy fruit)Fruit and Soursop Leaves to Treat CancerBenefits, efficacy and content of strawberries for beauty and health
The content of the pineapple fruit can lose weight
For those of you who are in the weight loss program, you should also consume pineapple to support your diet program. Pineapple is suitable for those who are dieting because pineapple contains very low calories. 100 grams of pineapple fruit only contains 50 calories. Bromelain in pineapple also can destroy the fat in the body. So pineapple is not only against cancer, but also can lose weight. see also fruits for diet
Nutritional Benefits of PineappleKiwi fruit benefits for people with diabetes and pregnant womenBenefits and nutrients on the fruit rambutan (hairy fruit)7 The benefits of citrus fruits for the beauty and health of your bodyHistory, benefits, and the content of the jenitri fruit is good for healthBenefits, efficacy and content of strawberries for beauty and healthThe Benefits, Efficacy, and Nutrition of a red Dragon Fruit for Diet and Health
The content of pineapple can help cure sinusitis well
Research in Germany, bromelain can also cure sinusitis. The study shows that a person is diagnosed with acute sinusitis may recover more quickly if someone is given bromelain.

The content of the pineapple fruit can nourish the digestive system
As I mentioned earlier, many of the benefits of bromelain. Bromelain has many benefits. Bromelain can nourish the digestive system because bromelain can break down proteins in food that goes into our bodies so that the food is more easily digested in the intestine. Another study explained that bromelain also have anti inflamsai so it is very effective in preventing inflammation and diseases that exist in the colon as well as worms.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

7 Benefits of fresh lychee fruit for health

7 Benefits of fresh lychee fruit for health

Lots of fresh lychee fruit benefits for the health of our body. But first let us know lychee further. According to the existing Chinese literature since 1059 AD, lychee fruit coming from the lowlands in Kwangtung and Fukien provinces in southern China, lychee trees growing on the banks of rivers and beaches in Kwangtung. Lychees were brought to Burma at the end of the 17th century, 100 years later the fruit and lychee crops brought to India. Lychee trees have been planted in the territory of China since 2000 BC. Folklore states that lychee is the chosen food of the royal family in China as a fruit that attracted many of the royal family.

For the people of China, lychee is the king of fruit. In Chinese, the word can mean lychee gift for a happy life. Lychee fruit unique shape is also a special meaning for people in China. Ripe lychee fruit is round and resembles the shape of a heart. The Chinese lychee fruit is always associated with love. Chinese society replace dried lychee fruit as a sugar substitute for them. According to the legend in China. An ancient worship can spend lychee 300 to 1000 pieces per day.

The content of nutrients in the lychee fruit per 100 grams

Energy reached 66 kcal
Carbohydrates reached 16.53 g
Sugar 59.9 kcal
Protein 2.8 kcal
Fat 3.7 kcal
Vitamin C content of 71.5 mg

Usefulness and efficacy of fresh lychee fruit for health

Lychee fruit can prevent cancer
The content is good for preventing cancer contained in lychee fruit is a flavanoid substances. The flavanoid substances not only can prevent cancer also can inhibit the growth of cancer cells in our body. In addition to flavonoids substances, lychee fruit also contains quercitin and kaempferol. Both of these substances are also very good to fight breast cancer cells. So there is no doubt that the lychee is very good to fight cancer. see also fruit to treat cancer
7 Benefits of fresh lychee fruit for healthBenefits and nutrients on the fruit rambutan (hairy fruit)Fruit and Soursop Leaves to Treat CancerBenefits, efficacy and content of strawberries for beauty and health

Lychee fruit can maintain heart health
For those who have symptoms of heart disease, it is better if you eat fruit lychee. This is because the lychee fruit contains polyphenols which can improve your heart health. In addition to maintaining the health of your heart, polyphenols can also help stabilize blood pressure and your heart rate. With blood pressure maintained properly, you can avoid from stroke and coronary heart disease. see also fruit for people with heart disease
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Lychee fruit can improve digestion
In the lychee fruit there is a substance that can cleanse your digestive bacteria that causes abdominal pain and cleanse your stomach of toxins can also cause abdominal pain. The substance is astringent substances.

Lychee fruit can improve immunity
Lychee fruit also contains vitamin C which is very good for boosting the immune system so the body will avoid the disease. Vitamin C in fruit lychee can also help to accelerate wound healing.

Lychee fruit can strengthen bones
If you like to exercise, there is no harm if you eat fruit lychee to maintain bone health and also strengthens bones. In the lychee fruit contained phosphorus and magnesium to help maintain bone strength.

Lychee fruit can prevent diabetes
Beta-carotene contained in lychee fruit is very useful for controlling blood sugar levels. With sugar levels controlled the diabetespun disease can be avoided. If you have symptoms of diabetes, you should also consume fruit lychee to keep your blood sugar levels.

Lychee fruit can prevent anemia
Anemia occurs when the red blood cells in our body decreases. In the lychee fruit contained copper content that can help in the absorption of iron and also petrified body produce red blood cells in the blood.