Wednesday, November 25, 2015

History, benefits and content of passion fruit for health

History, benefits and content of passion fruit for health

Do you know the passion fruit? passion fruit has many health benefits. But first let us get to know the origin of passion fruit. Passion fruit comes from Americans who have subtropics climate, such as Brazil, Venezuela, and Colombia. Passion fruit plant is a climbing shrub and can have a length up to 20 meters or more. In Indonesia, there are two types of passion fruit are purple and yellow passion passion fruit are numerous in North Sumatra and South Sulawesi.

The nutritional content per 100 grams of passion fruit
Water 72%
Protein 3 g
12 grams fat
Carbohydrates 13.4 grams
12.8 grams of fiber
Abu 0.5 grams
Calcium 6.8 mg
Phosphorus 63.8 mg
Iron 0.6 mg
Sodium 8 mg
Potassium 208 mg
23.3 mg ascorbic acid

Passion fruit for health benefits

Passion fruit can prevent heart disease
One of the benefits of passion fruit is that it can prevent heart disease. Hmm, does the content of what could be good for the heart? the answer is potassium. In passion fruit contained potassium quite a lot. In one there is a passion fruit ¼ potassium that can meet the needs of our body potassium. Potassium can also control blood pressure. So for those of you who love your heart, there is no harm if you include passion fruit in your daily menu.

Passion fruit can improve blood circulation
Not only controls blood pressure but also can improve blood circulation. There are so many benefits of passion fruit yes. In passion fruit contained iron and copper. Both of these substances is essential for our body to produce red blood cells and dilates blood vessels. With the number of red blood cell production in the body, the oxygen will flow freely so that all cells of the body we considered to be healthy.

Passion fruit can be healthy digestion
Passion fruit is also good for digestive health. This is because the fruit has a lot of fiber in the flesh. One passion fruit can fulfill 98% of our fiber needs. Extreme right. Fiber is a substance that is essential for digestion because of the fiber can move the food passes through the digestive tract. By regularly consuming passion fruit we we can reduce the risk of constipation.

Passion fruit can nourish the eyes
There's more passion fruit benefits? Yes, of course. In addition to those described above. It turns passion fruit can nourish the eye. because of passion fruit contains vitamins A sufficient. Vitamin A can prevent macular degeneration, cataracts, and blindness. In addition to nourish the eye. Vitamin A is also good for maintaining healthy skin. Vitamin A in the passion fruit can stimulate membrane function throughout the body including the skin to always moist and glowing.

Passion fruit can keep the immune system
Passion fruit can also keep the immune system. This is because of the passion fruit contains a lot of vitamin C. The vitamin C in addition to passion fruit also contains carotene and cryptoxanthin. All of these substances act as antioxidants which can counteract free radicals that enter the body. Vitamin C also stimulates the body to produce white blood cells that help to fight disease.

Passion fruit can prevent cancer
Benefits greatest passion fruit passion fruit is beneficial for preventing cancer. In the passion fruit are flavonoids and phenolic compounds. Such compounds have been shown to fight the growth of cancer, particularly lung cancer and oral cancer. So if you want to be free of cancer, you can consume passion fruit every day.

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