Friday, November 17, 2017

Health Benefits Of Ginger That Make It A Super Spice!

Ginger has been used as a remedy against seasickness for years 
because it has powerful anti-vomiting properties. It can be used to cure travel sickness, nausea after chemotherapy and even morning sickness. Unlike other drugs, it’s safe and doesn’t have any side effects! Chewing raw ginger, drinking ginger tea or eating ginger candy can all help cure nausea. Pregnant women should limit their intake of ginger to 1-2 grams per day.

Most of us eat ginger on a daily basis without realizing just how healthy it is. This root is closely related to turmeric, cardamom and galangal and has a number of health benefits.indigestion

Check out these amazing health benefits that ginger has to offer.

1. Relieves many types of nausea, including morning sickness

Gingerol, the main bioactive compound in ginger, is responsible for its distinct aroma and its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, which have made it an important part of traditional medicines.

2. Improves digestion and treats 

Ginger contains phenolic compounds that prevent gastrointestinal irritation, improve appetite, stimulate bile and saliva production, reduce flatulence and regulate the movement of food through the digestive tract. In fact, ginger is recognized as an effective natural remedy against chronic indigestion (dyspepsia).

3. Lowers blood sugar levels and enables diabetes management

 A recent study shows that ginger may be an effective treatment for diabetes as well. 41 participants with Type 2 diabetes were given 2 grams of ginger powder every day. The researchers found that the participants’ fasting blood sugar levels fell by 12% and that their HbA1c markers (indicative of long-term blood sugar levels) also dropped by 10% over three months.

4. Boosts heart health

The same study that looked at how ginger affected blood sugar levels also found that ginger reduced the ApoB/ApoA-I ratio by 28% and reduced markers of oxidised lipoproteins by 23%. Both of these parameters are major risk factors for heart disease.

5. Relieves coughs and colds

Ginger is diaphoretic, which means that it warms the body from within and promotes sweating, which is useful when you have a cold or flu. It also clears the ‘microcirculatory channels’ of the body, which include the sinuses.

6. Lowers cholesterol levels

High levels of LDL (the bad cholesterol) can pave the way for heart disease, however changing your dietary habits can help lower your cholesterol levels. A study involving 85 people found that consuming 3 grams of ginger powder per day, over a period of 45, days brought their cholesterol levels down significantly.

7. Reduces menstrual pain

 One of the common traditional uses of ginger is as a pain-reliever, for menstrual pain especially. A study found that consuming 1 gram of ginger powder per day for the first three days of the menstrual cycle reduced menstrual pain as much as painkilling drugs.

8. May prevent cancer

Gingerol has powerful anti-inflammatory properties that may help prevent the spread and growth of cancer cells in the body. So far, studies have found that ginger may prevent and treat pancreatic cancer, breast cancer and ovarian cancer.

9. Helps people with osteoarthritis and knee pain

Osteoarthritis is a condition marked by severe inflammation, which leads to symptoms like stiffness and joint pain. A study involving people with osteoarthritis of the knee found that eating ginger reduced pain and the need for medication significantly.

10. Improves brain function

Oxidative stress and inflammation speed up the ageing process and lead to cognitive decline and conditions like dementia. Research shows that the bioactive compounds in ginger have antioxidant properties that protect the brain and ensure that brain function stays intact.

11. Reduces muscle pain

The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger help reduce muscle pain. Researchers at the University of Georgia conducted a study where they asked 74 people to do certain exercises. One group was given ginger supplements every day and the other group was given placebo pills. The group that was given ginger supplements reported 25% less pain than the group on the placebo.

12. Prevents infections

Ginger has been shown to battle many different bacterial and viral infections, including oral infections like gingivitis and periodontitis, and respiratory infections like the RSV virus.

Posted by: Sun seeker <>

Monday, November 6, 2017

8 Diabetic Diet Myths Dispelled

 Diabetes is fast becoming one of the most common illnesses in the world. As such, there is a treasure trove of rumors and misinformation regarding this disease. It's extremely important to separate fact from fiction, and that is why we've brought you 8 of the most common myths about this disease that we are going to bust right now.

Myth 1: Eating too much sugar causes diabetes.

It is widely thought that eating too much sugar causes diabetes. What does cause diabetes is an insulin malfunction. This means your body struggles to turn the food you eat into energy. Usually food gets broken down into glucose, a sugar that powers cells. The pancreas produces insulin, a hormone which helps cells use glucose for energy.

There are 3 common forms of diabetes and none of them are caused by sugar intake.

Type 1 diabetes usually starts in childhood or young adulthood and is when the pancreas can’t produce insulin. These people need to take insulin to help move the sugar into the cells and prevent it from amassing in the blood.

Type 2diabetes can affect any person, of any age and is when the pancreas doesn’t produce sufficient insulin or the insulin stops working, and sometimes both scenarios. Being overweight can make this form of diabetes.

Another common type is Gestational diabetes, a temporary form of diabetes that occurs in pregnancy due to hormone changes that cause insulin not to work properly.

Myth 2: You won’t be able to eat your favorite foods anymore.

The idea that you are limited to uninteresting food when you are diabetic is widespread and misleading. You don’t have to give up foods you love; you just might need to think of how you eat them differently. You will need to change the way you prepare these foods, and might need to change the foods that you eat alongside them, and possibly reducing the portions.

Myth 3: You’ll have to prepare separate diabetic meals.

You might be thinking that you won’t be able to eat what the rest of the family is eating, and extra preparation would be required. This isn’t necessarily true. A diabetic diet is a healthy diet, nutritious for the whole family and doesn’t require separate preparation. The person with diabetes just needs to pay more attention to the amount of calories she or he eats and monitor the types of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in their diet.

Alternative sugars


This is a plant extract that tastes much sweeter than sugar and has no calories. It has the added benefit of lowering blood sugar and blood pressure. Stevia has a distinct taste and it can take a while to adjust.


This sugar alcohol is low in calories and doesn’t affect your blood sugar levels. It is safe to eat however eating too much can cause digestion issues.


Another sugar alcohol that doesn’t raise blood sugar or insulin levels. Similar to Erythritol, Xylitol causes digestive issues if eaten in large quantities. This sugar alcohol is also been shown to have dental benefits and improve bone density. It’s highly toxic to dogs.

Myth 4: Carbohydrates are bad for diabetics.

Carbohydrates, commonly shortened to carbs, are the foundation of any healthy diet and are not bad for diabetes. Why they are important to monitor is because they have the greatest effect on blood sugar levels. It’s best to discuss which ones you eat with a dietitian so that you select nutrient rich ones.

Myth 5: You can replace carbohydrates with protein.

Carbohydrates ability to affect blood sugar levels quickly might tempt people with diabetes to lower their intake of carbs and compensate with more protein. This is fine in principle, but in practice many proteins, such as meat, are dense in saturated fats. Consuming too much fat can increase the risk for heart disease.

Myth 6: You can take medicine and eat what you.

It would be great if taking a pill would allow you to go about eating what you usually do but adjusting your medication makes it less effective as medicine works best taken consistently, as instructed by your physician. 

For those who take insulin, it’s often the case that you learn to adjust the amount of insulin to match the amount of food you eat, but this doesn’t give you permission to eat as much as you want. You still have to stick to a diabetic diet to stabilize your blood sugar levels.

Myth 7: You have to eat diet foods.

A lot of ‘diet’ foods are smart marketing. They are often more expensive and no healthier than regular foods. It’s important to read the ingredients and consider the number of calories before deciding if it’s suitable for your diabetic diet. As always when in doubt about what food is beneficial its best to consult with a nutritionist or dietitian.

Myth 8: No more dessert.

Similar to myth #2 you need to rethink how you look at desserts. There are plenty sweet options available for eating at the end of a meal. You can use artificial sweeteners, alternative sugars or try expanding your food horizons to include fruit, and yogurts. 

You can even make your recipes more nutritious by including whole grains, and vegetable oil when preparing desserts. For many recipes you can skip or reduce the sugar without changing the consistency or sacrificing the taste. Another option is to practice portion control. Consider splitting dessert or opting for a single ice cream scoop.


Friday, November 3, 2017

Natural cure for so many health problems

12 Amazing Health Benefits Of Ginger That Make It A Super Spice!

Check out these amazing health benefits that ginger has to offer.

Ginger has been used as a remedy against sea sickness for years because it has powerful anti-vomiting properties. It can be used to cure travel sickness, nausea after chemotherapy and even morning sickness. Unlike other drugs, it’s safe and doesn’t have any side effects! Chewing raw ginger, drinking ginger tea or eating ginger candy can all help cure nausea. Pregnant women should limit their intake of ginger to 1-2 grams per day.

1. Relieves many types of nausea, including morning sickness

 Ginger contains phenolic compounds that prevent gastrointestinal irritation, improve appetite, stimulate bile and saliva production, reduce flatulence and regulate the movement of food through the digestive tract. In fact, ginger is recognized as an effective natural remedy against chronic indigestion (dyspepsia).

2. Improves digestion indigestion 

Most of us eat ginger on a daily basis without realizing just how healthy it is. This root is closely related to turmeric, cardamom and galangal and has a number of health benefits.

Gingerol, the main bioactive compound in ginger, is responsible for its distinct aroma and its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, which have made it an important part of traditional medicines.

3. Lowers blood sugar levels and enables diabetes management

 A recent study shows that ginger may be an effective treatment for diabetes as well. 41 participants with Type 2 diabetes were given 2 grams of ginger powder every day. The researchers found that the participants’ fasting blood sugar levels fell by 12% and that their HbA1c markers (indicative of long-term blood sugar levels) also dropped by 10% over three months.

4. Boosts heart health

The same study that looked at how ginger affected blood sugar levels also found that ginger reduced the ApoB/ApoA-I ratio by 28% and reduced markers of oxidised lipoproteins by 23%. Both of these parameters are major risk factors for heart disease.

5. Relieves coughs and colds

Ginger is diaphoretic, which means that it warms the body from within and promotes sweating, which is useful when you have a cold or flu. It also clears the ‘microcirculatory channels’ of the body, which include the sinuses.

6. Lowers cholesterol levels

 High levels of LDL (the bad cholesterol) can pave the way for heart disease, however changing your dietary habits can help lower your cholesterol levels. A study involving 85 people found that consuming 3 grams of ginger powder per day, over a period of 45, days brought their cholesterol levels down significantly.

7. Reduces menstrual pain

One of the common traditional uses of ginger is as a pain-reliever, for menstrual pain especially. A study found that consuming 1 gram of ginger powder per day for the first three days of the menstrual cycle reduced menstrual pain as much as painkilling drugs.

8. May prevent cancer

Gingerol has powerful anti-inflammatory properties that may help prevent the spread and growth of cancer cells in the body. So far, studies have found that ginger may prevent and treat pancreatic cancer, breast cancer and ovarian cancer.

9. Helps people with osteoarthritis and knee pain

Osteoarthritis is a condition marked by severe inflammation, which leads to symptoms like stiffness and joint pain. A study involving people with osteoarthritis of the knee found that eating ginger reduced pain and the need for medication significantly.

10. Improves brain function

 Oxidative stress and inflammation speed up the ageing process and lead to cognitive decline and conditions like dementia. Research shows that the bioactive compounds in ginger have antioxidant properties that protect the brain and ensure that brain function stays intact.

11. Reduces muscle pain

The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger help reduce muscle pain. Researchers at the University of Georgia conducted a study where they asked 74 people to do certain exercises. One group was given ginger supplements every day and the other group was given placebo pills. The group that was given ginger supplements reported 25% less pain than the group on the placebo.

12. Prevents infections

Ginger has been shown to battle many different bacterial and viral infections, including oral infections like gingivitis and periodontitis, and respiratory infections like the RSV virus.

Posted by: Sun seeker <>

Monday, October 30, 2017

PARSLEY.....This Herb Kills Even 86% of Lung Cancer Cells

Have you noticed that nice green garnish on the side of your dish in restaurants? Well, now is the time to start consuming it. Lung cancer is one of the most common causes of death throughout the world. According to American Lung Cancer Association, “lung cancer causes more deaths than the next three most common cancers combined – colon, breast and pancreatic.”

About 75-80% of the lung cancer cases come from a cancer known as non-small cell lung cancer (NSCL).

You probably wonder what does parsley has to do with cancer treatments? Believe it or not, it is more than a garnish for your meals.

The journal Pub Med published a study according to which apigenin can destroy cancer cells up to 86% in vitro, or in a petri dish. Apigening is a substance found in parsley, meaning this herb can be used in the treatment of this deadly disease.

Parsley is not the only gift of nature that contains apigening, but it is still the richest source of this flavonoid. Oranges, celery, onion, oregano, artichoke, coriander, chamomile tea and red wine are also packed with great amounts of apigenin.
Ready for some more surprises? Dried parsley you have been used in cooking has much more apigenin than fresh parsley.

Dried parsley contains about 4.5% of pure apigenin.

In 2005 Chinese scientists conducted a study and found that apigenin inhibits cell proliferation of lung cancer lines. This study also showed that the combination of apigenin and anti-tumor medication is amazingly effective in inhibiting cancer growth in lung, breast, ovarian, pancreatic, prostate and colon cancer.

Modern findings only support what ancient cultures have known for centuries
2000 years ago, parsley was first cultivated in the Mediterranean for medicinal purpose.

It is so powerful in breaking down kidney stones that a government advisory panel in Germany approved it as an agent for prevention and remedy for kidney stones.

Ancient Chinese combined celery, peppermint and parsley to protect vision
Parsley is rich in vitamin K, A, C, B-complex, iron, magnesium, chlorophyll and essential amino acids.

It is a potent antioxidant, meaning it is great for the lungs. Parsley can increase the oxygen intake, enhance antioxidant level in brain, regulate blood pressure and destroy bacteria and fungal infections in the body.

The PubMed study suggested that epidemiological studies, including the one based on parsley, outline the connection between cancer and environmental factors and lifestyle choices. This is a great base for cancer research as a preventive, and bring cancer sufferers their hope back.

Eat parsley as much as you can, improve your health and protect your organism against different ailments and even cancer. Parsley tea is one of the easiest way to include this miraculous herb in your diet. Here is how to make it:

Parsley Tea

Finely chop 14 og parsley root and pour in 200 ml of boiling water.
Let the liquid boil for another 5 minutes. Close the pot and leave it covered for 15 minutes. Strain.

For optimal results, drink three cups of parsley tea per day.

In alternative medicine parsley is appreciated as a powerful diuretic and it is one of the most efficient remedies for kidney stones. Parsley tea also helps in cases of urinary infections.

Always use the root and the leaves of the herb to make a nice cup of tea.

Posted by: Bhupendra Jesrani <>

Friday, October 27, 2017

The Nine Best Natural Sources of Iron

Iron is an indispensable element for the functioning of the human body, since it is an essential component of the protein called hemoglobin, which is responsible for transporting oxygen to red blood cells. Therefore, if we don't get enough of this mineral, it is likely that we will feel tired and dizzy, and may even develop anemia.

 Although iron requirements vary by gender and age, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends a dose of 8 mg per day for men and 18 mg per day for women who are not pregnant or breastfeeding. 

Despite the existence of supplements that can supply us with this mineral, the best way to get your recommended dose of iron is through a healthy and varied diet. This terrific list features 9 best natural sources of this vital mineral.

1. Clams

Clams are one of the best sources of iron found in nature. In fact, an 85 gram portion of canned clams contains no less than 23.8 mg of iron. A great way to add more iron to your diet is using clams for sauces or incorporating them into your pasta or rice dishes.

2. Fortified Cereals

Although cereals are often an excellent source of iron, it is important to know what kind to consume. Certainly, grains that are rich in sugars and artificial flavorings are not a great option when it comes to a healthy diet, so the key is to find a fortified cereal that provides 100% of the daily recommended dose of iron. A one-cup serving of fortified cereal can provide up to 18 mg of this important mineral.

3.  Cooked Oysters

The next time you go to a seafood restaurant, consider asking for a portion of cooked oysters as your main course. Just 85 g of this delicious sea fruit can provide about 10.2 mg of iron. Although raw oysters are also packed with essential nutrients for our body, the cooked version is safer for regular consumption.

4. White beans

While all beans provide iron, white beans contain the largest amount. In fact, just one cup of these beans provides 8mg of iron. If you don't have time to clean and boil them, you can try the canned version, as long as you keep a watchful eye on your sodium intake.

5. Dark Chocolate

If you are a chocolate lover, you now have another reason to be delighted with this dessert. In an 80 g portion of dark chocolate, equivalent to a small bar, you'll find between 7 and 8 mg of iron. Don't forget to look for dark chocolate with a cocoa concentration higher than 60% and, as always, control the size of your portions.

6.Organ meats

 Organ meats are an excellent source of essential nutrients for your health, including iron. Although exact amounts depend on the type of organ and portion size, beef liver, for example, can provide 5mg of iron per 85gr.

7. Soy beans

Soybeans are one of the main sources of protein in vegetarian diets. However, all people, regardless of their food preferences, can benefit from this vegetable. A half-cup serving of soy beans can contribute between 4 and 5mg of iron, so we recommend you use them in salads and other dishes.

8.  Lentils

Besides being related to beans, lentils are another excellent natural source of iron. Half a cup can get you more than 3mg of iron, with the added advantage that you can cook lentils faster than beans. Lentil soup is an especially great way to enjoy this iron booster.

 9. Spinach

Despite being known for its high content of vitamin A, spinach is also an important source of iron: half a cup of spinach contains about 3 mg of it. This vegetable is versatile and can be used to prepare a variety of dishes, from fritters to lasagna, pies and salads.

 How to determine your individual iron requirement:

Knowing the main sources of iron is a good start, because we all need this essential mineral. However, it is also important to understand that each person may have a different iron intake requirement, especially when it comes to people who already have an iron deficiency, or those who tend to develop anemia

Check with your doctor or nutritionist about specific recommendations for iron consumption in the following cases:

If you've recently lost significant amounts of blood.

If you are being treated with anticoagulants.

If you have a history of kidney disease.

 If you have more than 65 years under your belt.

If you have heavy menstrual periods.

 Posted by: Dakiya Dak Laya <>

Monday, October 23, 2017

3 Natural Ways to Whiten Teeth at Home- without using harsh chemicals.

Teeth whitening

Whiter teeth, like thick, shiny, hair, is something that many people in our cosmetically driven world desire today. In fact, Americans spend over $1.4 billion dollars in over-the-counter teeth whitening products every year-that’s a good chunk of money just to achieve a different shade of teeth. I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve tried OTC teeth whitener-I even paid to have my dentist do it once. It worked for a bit, but my teeth got so sensitive I couldn’t stand it. I also felt I really didn’t need to be so obsessed with the color of my teeth that I paid a bunch of money for a bunch of who-knows-what that made my teeth hurt, so I started looking into more natural alternatives. With a bit of patience, I think you can naturally restore whiteness to your teeth. They may not get to be scary sear-out-somebodies-corneas –when-you –smile white, but they’ll appear more like you took good care of your pretty pearly whites rather than just bleaching them like crazy.

Why do teeth get yellow?

To figure out how to whiten our teeth, we have to know why they get yellow in the first place. There are several factors that play a part, including genetics, what kind of food and drink you consume, and how well you practice oral hygiene. A tooth is made up of 4 tissues-enamel, which is the strong white covering that protects the tooth, dentin, which supports the enamel and is a hard yellow material that carries nerves, pulp, which is at the center of the tooth and contains blood and lymph vessels, and cementum, which covers the root of the tooth.

The enamel and dentin is what play the biggest role in color. Certain food and drinks will directly stain the enamel, yes, but over time the two biggest culprits are the nasty food and drink that actually break down the enamel, and weakening enamel as we age. As the enamel breaks down, it reveals the yellow dentin underneath. These remedies will focus on whitening teeth that have already lost some white enamel, but it’s also good to keep in mind that doing things to strengthen enamel is just as important so you can keep it from breaking down further. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure (or whitening!)

1. Baking Soda and Lemon Juice Paste

Baking Soda isn’t a shocker here. Sodium bicarbonate (its official name) is mildly abrasive; gently scrubbing away surface stains to return teeth to a whiter shade. It’s also very alkaline (the opposite of acidic) so I would think if you have a very acidic mouth or eat a lot of acidic food, it could help balance out the Ph, which would be useful as acid breaks down enamel-this is strictly speculation on my part. It will also reduce the acidity of the lemon juice, which acts as a natural bleach of sorts. I use a mixture of baking soda and water on some days, and use the lemon juice on others, as I don’t want to overdo it.

You will need…
-Several teaspoons of baking soda
-Enough lemon juice or water to form a paste
-A toothbrush


Mix several teaspoons of baking soda with enough fresh lemon juice (or water) to make a paste. Wipe your teeth and any extra saliva off of them with a paper towel. Put a good amount of paste onto your toothbrush and apply.

Leave the paste on for 1 minute, then rinse, so as to avoid the acid effecting enamel. If you are using just water you can leave it on for up to 3 minutes.

2. Strawberry, Salt and Baking Soda Scrub

Strawberries are high in Vitamin C, which can help break-down plaque that is causing your teeth to look yellow. It also has an enzyme called malic acid, which may help to remove surface stains. The salt acts as an abrasive portion of the paste, physically scrubbing away stain-causing gunk, and the baking soda is an extra touch that you can choose to leave out if you’d prefer (I just like to add it to anything involving my teeth.)

You will need…
-1-3 large strawberries
-A pinch of seat salt
-1/2 teaspoon of baking soda (optional)


Mash the berries into a pulp, and add a pinch of sea salt and ½ teaspoon of baking soda, if you’re using it. Wipe any extra saliva off your teeth with a paper towel, and then apply a generous portion of the mixture to a toothbrush and apply. Let the mixture sit for 5 minutes, then rinse. Do this nightly.

3. Coconut Oil Rinse

I know this sounds absolutely mad (I thought it was crazy too when I first read about it) but rinsing your mouth with coconut oil (called ‘oil pulling’) is a unique, old, remedy that people swear by to help whiten teeth. It doesn’t sound like the most pleasant thing in the world, but I actually don’t mind the taste, and I think it does make a difference in the color of your teeth. It won’t make a difference by “bleaching” per say, but lauric acid in coconut oil can rid your teeth of bacteria found in plaque that can make them yellow. It is also supposed to promote gum health, and help keep your breath fresh.

You will need…
-About a tablespoon of coconut oil


In the morning, before you brush your teeth, scoop out a tablespoon or a little less (depending on the size of your mouth) of coconut oil. You can either soften it, or just put it in your mouth (I usually do the latter, and just let it soften.) Push, swish, and “pull” the oil through and around your teeth for 10-15 minutes, then spit it out, rinse with water, and brush your teeth.

Note: You can use either of the pastes after you have brushed your teeth at night if you prefer.

Are these remedies going to guarantee ridiculously white teeth within a week? 

No. You may start to see a difference, but it won’t be as instant as the commercial products. 

In the end, will your teeth be so white people squint when you open your mouth? 

No. And I like it better that way. I’ve found that since using these my teeth are indeed whiter, my mouth overall feels healthier and it doesn’t look like I bleached the life out of myself. We live in a world where photo-shopped faces (and teeth) and make-up covered celebrities set the standard for how we look, which makes life hard for people who like, well, real people. As a result we seem to forget what’s good for ourselves, and spend a ton of money just to look like the ideal. By going natural here, you can save the money for something else, feel better about yourself, and have a healthier mouth (and health is what, in the end, creates real beauty.)

Teeth Whitening Tips

Routine - Set up a routine using these remedies and stick to it, at all costs, to get the most out of them.

While not “natural” per say, using 3% (I repeat, 3%) hydrogen peroxide as a mouth rinse can whiten your teeth through the process of oxidation. It is an active indigent in many OTC whitening kits, but is often times found in much higher (and expensive) combinations in them.

It’s fairly common knowledge, and difficult in today’s world, but try to avoid dark drinks, such as coke and coffee that stain your teeth.

By Claire Goodall

Claire is a lover of life, the natural world, and wild blueberries. On the weekend you can find her fiddling in the garden, playing with her dogs, and enjoying the great outdoors with her horse. 


Friday, October 20, 2017

Eat This Super Fruit to Kill Joint Pain & Inflammation

If you are among the millions of people suffering from arthritis, gout and/or joint pain, there’s good news relating to one of your favorite summer treats.  Research completed at the Oregon Health & Science University has proven that tart cherries can help to reduce chronic inflammation, which leads to pain.  With the highest anti-inflammatory components of any other food (even higher than blueberries and pomegranates!), cherries are well deserving of their ‘super fruit’ title.  Keep reading to find out more about what this delicious summer fruit can do for you.

Osteoarthritis Relief

Osteoarthritis is the most prevalent form of arthritis, and something that millions of people in the western world suffer from.  Often characterized as ‘wear and tear’ arthritis, it’s a common condition in athletes, as well as people suffering from obesity.

In the study completed in Oregon, researchers asked 20 women, aged between 40 and 70, to drink a juice made from tart cherries twice a day.  The women were asked to do this for three weeks.  At the end of the study, researchers found significant improvements in the levels of inflammation the women were experiencing, with the most dramatic results being seen in the women with the worst osteoarthritis at the beginning of the experiment. Participants also reported an average pain reduction of 20%.

The study’s results are of extra special interest to the sports community, as by drinking a cherry juice mixture, athletes could return to their careers a lot sooner without experiencing any pain.  In addition, the cherry juice also doesn’t come with the side-effects of many over the counter painkillers that are currently used to treat osteoarthritis.

Gout Management

Another study looked at the effects tart cherries had on people suffering from gout, an acutely painful condition that causes pain and swelling in the joints.  The Boston University Medical Center asked 633 participants, who had all suffered from gout, to eat a handful of cherries per day.  The results found that eating at least 10 cherries a day protected people with existing gout from reoccurring attacks.  Further studies have provided similar results, with doctors now saying that they believe cherries to be a long term solution to a painful problem.

How to Enjoy the Benefits

Whilst research is still being done into the extra health benefits that tart cherries have to offer, now is still a good time to take advantage of their anti-inflammatory properties.

If you want to enjoy tart cherries and all the benefits that they have to offer, incorporate one glass of unsweetened juice made from 100% tart cherries into your diet each day.  You can purchase organic tart cherry juice from this page on Amazon.

Or alternatively, a serving of dried tart cherries (available to buy from health shops) daily will help to alleviate joint pain and inflammation.

Want To Learn How To Eliminate Your Pain In 14 Days?

leaving-pain - If you’d like to learn how to completely eliminate your joint and chronic pain in just 14 days and without dangerous pills, painful shots or going under the knife, then you need to download this book right now.

Download “101 Super foods That Stop Your Joint Pain & Inflammation” using this link and you’ll get instant access and 79% off. Plus you’ll also receive a free bonus: “101 Natural Remedies For Pain Relief“. Click here to get all the details and download your copy.