Friday, October 20, 2017

Eat This Super Fruit to Kill Joint Pain & Inflammation

If you are among the millions of people suffering from arthritis, gout and/or joint pain, there’s good news relating to one of your favorite summer treats.  Research completed at the Oregon Health & Science University has proven that tart cherries can help to reduce chronic inflammation, which leads to pain.  With the highest anti-inflammatory components of any other food (even higher than blueberries and pomegranates!), cherries are well deserving of their ‘super fruit’ title.  Keep reading to find out more about what this delicious summer fruit can do for you.

Osteoarthritis Relief

Osteoarthritis is the most prevalent form of arthritis, and something that millions of people in the western world suffer from.  Often characterized as ‘wear and tear’ arthritis, it’s a common condition in athletes, as well as people suffering from obesity.

In the study completed in Oregon, researchers asked 20 women, aged between 40 and 70, to drink a juice made from tart cherries twice a day.  The women were asked to do this for three weeks.  At the end of the study, researchers found significant improvements in the levels of inflammation the women were experiencing, with the most dramatic results being seen in the women with the worst osteoarthritis at the beginning of the experiment. Participants also reported an average pain reduction of 20%.

The study’s results are of extra special interest to the sports community, as by drinking a cherry juice mixture, athletes could return to their careers a lot sooner without experiencing any pain.  In addition, the cherry juice also doesn’t come with the side-effects of many over the counter painkillers that are currently used to treat osteoarthritis.

Gout Management

Another study looked at the effects tart cherries had on people suffering from gout, an acutely painful condition that causes pain and swelling in the joints.  The Boston University Medical Center asked 633 participants, who had all suffered from gout, to eat a handful of cherries per day.  The results found that eating at least 10 cherries a day protected people with existing gout from reoccurring attacks.  Further studies have provided similar results, with doctors now saying that they believe cherries to be a long term solution to a painful problem.

How to Enjoy the Benefits

Whilst research is still being done into the extra health benefits that tart cherries have to offer, now is still a good time to take advantage of their anti-inflammatory properties.

If you want to enjoy tart cherries and all the benefits that they have to offer, incorporate one glass of unsweetened juice made from 100% tart cherries into your diet each day.  You can purchase organic tart cherry juice from this page on Amazon.

Or alternatively, a serving of dried tart cherries (available to buy from health shops) daily will help to alleviate joint pain and inflammation.

Want To Learn How To Eliminate Your Pain In 14 Days?

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