Monday, October 30, 2017

PARSLEY.....This Herb Kills Even 86% of Lung Cancer Cells

Have you noticed that nice green garnish on the side of your dish in restaurants? Well, now is the time to start consuming it. Lung cancer is one of the most common causes of death throughout the world. According to American Lung Cancer Association, “lung cancer causes more deaths than the next three most common cancers combined – colon, breast and pancreatic.”

About 75-80% of the lung cancer cases come from a cancer known as non-small cell lung cancer (NSCL).

You probably wonder what does parsley has to do with cancer treatments? Believe it or not, it is more than a garnish for your meals.

The journal Pub Med published a study according to which apigenin can destroy cancer cells up to 86% in vitro, or in a petri dish. Apigening is a substance found in parsley, meaning this herb can be used in the treatment of this deadly disease.

Parsley is not the only gift of nature that contains apigening, but it is still the richest source of this flavonoid. Oranges, celery, onion, oregano, artichoke, coriander, chamomile tea and red wine are also packed with great amounts of apigenin.
Ready for some more surprises? Dried parsley you have been used in cooking has much more apigenin than fresh parsley.

Dried parsley contains about 4.5% of pure apigenin.

In 2005 Chinese scientists conducted a study and found that apigenin inhibits cell proliferation of lung cancer lines. This study also showed that the combination of apigenin and anti-tumor medication is amazingly effective in inhibiting cancer growth in lung, breast, ovarian, pancreatic, prostate and colon cancer.

Modern findings only support what ancient cultures have known for centuries
2000 years ago, parsley was first cultivated in the Mediterranean for medicinal purpose.

It is so powerful in breaking down kidney stones that a government advisory panel in Germany approved it as an agent for prevention and remedy for kidney stones.

Ancient Chinese combined celery, peppermint and parsley to protect vision
Parsley is rich in vitamin K, A, C, B-complex, iron, magnesium, chlorophyll and essential amino acids.

It is a potent antioxidant, meaning it is great for the lungs. Parsley can increase the oxygen intake, enhance antioxidant level in brain, regulate blood pressure and destroy bacteria and fungal infections in the body.

The PubMed study suggested that epidemiological studies, including the one based on parsley, outline the connection between cancer and environmental factors and lifestyle choices. This is a great base for cancer research as a preventive, and bring cancer sufferers their hope back.

Eat parsley as much as you can, improve your health and protect your organism against different ailments and even cancer. Parsley tea is one of the easiest way to include this miraculous herb in your diet. Here is how to make it:

Parsley Tea

Finely chop 14 og parsley root and pour in 200 ml of boiling water.
Let the liquid boil for another 5 minutes. Close the pot and leave it covered for 15 minutes. Strain.

For optimal results, drink three cups of parsley tea per day.

In alternative medicine parsley is appreciated as a powerful diuretic and it is one of the most efficient remedies for kidney stones. Parsley tea also helps in cases of urinary infections.

Always use the root and the leaves of the herb to make a nice cup of tea.

Posted by: Bhupendra Jesrani <>

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