Monday, July 31, 2017

Hair Loss: Causes

Both men and women of different age group are faced with the hair loss problem every day. Over the past few decades, the rate of baldness among young people has increased significantly, and the main reasons for that are bad environmental conditions and over saturation of food products with harmful chemical additives. However, this is only a portion of the negative factors that lead to hair loss.
Hair loss can be caused by the following:

  • Genetic predisposition
  • Aging
  • Poor nutrition and vitamin deficiency
  • Age and pathological changes in the hormones
  • Stress
  • Polluted air and water
  • Low-quality hair products
  • Hair bulb damage and improper combing
  • Wearing tight headgear
Full or partial baldness is emerging under the influence of several factors at once. For example, a person whose entire family generation has acquired baldness by the age of 45 and who has a very high level of testosterone in the blood, is more likely to repeat the destiny of his ancestors, especially, when having harmful and stressful job. A woman can face this problem if her mother lost hair thickness after giving birth or during the menopause. This is more likely to happen if she eats, combs or treats her hair exactly the same way as her mother does.

Hair loss depressingly affects any person, lowers self-esteem and often becomes an indirect cause of failure in private life. Therefore, a solid number of cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies make a huge amount of money on baldness related products and services, offering to customers "miraculous" shampoos, masks and balms that can redeem the former beauty instantly. Most of these products consist of all known natural healing ingredients mixed with preservatives and odours.

If you do not want to overpay for chemical hair products, we recommend reading this article. We will share with you the most effective and safe remedies to cure hair loss. Note, these remedies can be used by anyone at home as long as they are not allergic to them.

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