Friday, January 20, 2017

health benefits of melon

health benefits of melon - Melons are low-cut in calories, with really 64 calories in a 1-cup serving of honeydew chunks and fewer calories in cantaloupe, casaba or watermelon chunks. At the same duration, melons are high in all-important vitamins and minerals. They contain virtually no flab or saturated fatty, uttering them an excellent selection for snacks or a side dish .

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an antioxidant vitamin that frisks an important role in the growth and maintenance of all tissues in your body. It runs in curve healing and fixing of cartilage, bones and teeth. Adults should receive 90 mg per date of vitamin C. A 1-cup serving of cantaloupe specifies 65 mg of vitamin C. One goblet of casaba melon specifies 37 mg of vitamin C, and honeydew specifies 30 mg .

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is important for health teeth, surface, bone and mucous tissues. It cures the image organization by promoting retinal state. Insufficient vitamin A may lead to inadequate the operation of the immune organization. Cantaloupe is high-pitched in vitamin A, with more than 25 percent of the recommended daily amount in a 1-cup serving .


Potassium is a significant mineral in the maintenance of centre state. Exhausting suitable sums of potassium in your nutrition may lower blood pressure and increase potential impacts of high-sodium menus. Adults should receive 4700 mg of potassium per date. Cantaloupe is high-pitched in potassium, with 473 mg in a 1-cup serving. Honeydew contains 403 mg per serving, and other melons have lower levels .


The scarlet color in watermelon is lycopene, a potent antioxidant that are able to have prevented cadre injury. Lycopene consumption has been linked to reduced rates of certain cancers and a reduced gamble of heart attack. A 1 1/2 -cup of fresh watermelon contains nearly 9 to 13 mg of lycopene. Watermelon contains about 40 percentage more lycopene than a serving of fresh tomatoes .

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