Saturday, January 21, 2017

Benefits of Tea For Digestion

Drinking tea, whatever its type, bringing a lot of kindness. Not only for physical health, mental health can also be obtained from drinking tea. One physical health is good for digestive health. What are the benefits of tea for digestion? Let's discuss all of them.
The benefits of tea for digestion has been known since long. It can be seen from the habits of the past that used black tea bitter as upset stomach (diarrhea). The following are the other benefits of various types of tea for digestive health.
• Tea ginger for digestive problems. Teh this one made by adding pieces of ginger black tea into the water to boil. Usefulness is to address a wide range of digestive complaints. Such as diarrhea, flatulence, and abdominal cold.
• Peppermint tea to overcome digestive problems. Such as ginger tea, peppermint tea also has properties to overcome the problem of digestive health (such as reducing the formation of stomach gas). The difference, peppermint tea is not added to the tea leaves but immediately made tea (brewed with hot water).
• Chamomile tea to overcome digestive problems. Chamomile tea is made by adding chamomile flowers on green tea or black tea when brewed with hot water. This type of tea is able to overcome the problems associated with inflammation of the gastrointestinal digestive organs.
• The tea leaf china teak (senna leaf tea) to improve digestion. China teak leaf tea or tea leaf senna has been proven to be effective in digestion. For constipation and want to clean the digestive organs, this type of tea can be used. Because that's laxative properties, tea is often used as a slimming tea. Teak china tea leaves or tea leaves of senna are made only from senna leaves without additional other tea leaves.
• Tea lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) to overcome digestive problems. Teh this one is made from the leaves of plants lemon balm (Melissa officinalis). Usefulness is to restore vitality, indigestion, and soothing the nerves are tense. This type of regular tea
Mediterranean people eat.
• dandelion tea to enhance the effectiveness of digestion. Teh this one is made from the entire plant dandelion. The leaves, stems, flowers or roots. This type of tea contains vitamins A, C, D, and B complex as well as iron potassium, and zinc. With this implies,
dandelion tea efficacious lot to digestion. For example, is a healthy stomach, increased appetite, reduce the formation of stomach gas, smooth bowel movement, and make full.
• Green tea to improve digestion. Efficacy was similar to tea tea leaf china teak. However, green tea has the advantage, that is rich in antioxidants that are beneficial as an antidote to various cancers. For example, colon cancer and colon.
That's some of the benefits of tea for digestion. Please select the type of tea that you like best. May be useful.

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