Friday, December 9, 2016

How To Prevent Diabetes?

Diabetes is a disease experienced by many people in the world. Even in America, the disease is eating a quarter of its citizens, so that the possibility of these residents will transition from diabetes to diabetes condition. Worse, only 4% of the total who have diabetes aware if they suffer from such severe illness. In fact, studies suggest that may arise elevated blood sugar levels within a period of just 10 years.

How to Prevent Diabetes Naturally
A person's own stated or diagnosed with diabetes if levels of glucose or sugar in the blood above the normal limit. The cause itself is because the function of the pancreas is unable to produce sufficient insulin levels. However, keep in mind that the glucose remains important for the human body. Among these are a source of energy for the body and brain. Besides diabetes can also be caused by hereditary factors.

 People without diabetes typically have blood sugar or glucose levels as much as 4 or 8 mmol / L you who have lower levels of insulin will indirectly have blood sugar levels that are not normal. This is because the function of the insulin that is essential to control the dose of glucose in the blood.

You can control and one of them is a way to prevent diabetes early, as you will know the following discussion:

1.) Reduce weight
Weight loss can prevent diabetes. When you are overweight or obese, you will probably get a radar danger from health professionals about diabetes. Furthermore, when you lose weight, say 5%, then the risk of diabetes would go down, even if you do not exercise.

2) Consumption of salads
In many studies mentioned that eating vegetables or salad with the sauce before you eat carbohydrates can help the body control blood sugar. Even in the other studies mentioned, the vinegar in the salad, if consumed before eating carbohydrates can help control glucose in the blood. It also relates to compounds of acetic acid found in vinegar, which functions to disable the digestive enzymes, thereby slowing the body digest carbohydrates.

3.) Walk
Walking is the most pleasant spring sports, simple, easy and inexpensive to do many of us. In a study conducted in Finland states that people who walk as much as 4 hours per week or 35 minutes each day reduced their risk of diabetes by 80%, even if their weight does not go down.

 In another study conducted by The Nurses, they made a study with the name Health Study, in which researchers found that women who work up a sweat over a week reduced their risk of diabetes by 30%.

4.) The consumption of cereals
Consuming a lot of wheat turns researched capable of completing a wide range of health problems, ranging from breast cancer, type 2 diabetes, hypertension to stroke. You can search for a box of cereal for breakfast, where on the packaging label printed at least 5g of grain per serving. However, avoid products in which added ingredients processed, fat cholesterol and sugar.

5.) Coffee consumption
In a study mentioned that researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health concluded that people who consume coffee have a lower risk for developing type 2 diabetes study aimed to observations over 18 years.

Consumption investigated several cups of coffee can reduce the risk of developing diabetes. The focus of the content studied coffee itself is caffeine. The researchers concluded that caffeine-containing compound of magnesium, potassium and antioxidants that can help the cells to absorb sugar. However, keep in mind to stay away from sugar-rich coffee, especially in stores or fast food restaurants.

6.) Relax
How to prevent diabetes is to stay away from the latter state of chronic stress. In many studies mention that blood sugar levels can rise due to stress. You can start doing activities that entertain themselves in order to work and exhausting routines that do not make up your mind becomes chaotic. Get used to sleep enough and do the movements of relaxation.

Above is a way to prevent diabetes, there are actually two types of diabetes, namely diabetes mellitus or diabetic often known by the acronym DM and diabetes insipidus is a disease associated with hormone ADH (anti-diuretic hormone), and for the explanation may be published in the article will come. Hopefully with this information can be useful for readers who want to avoid the various diseases, especially diabetes. Preventive measures against various diseases is important because everyone would want a healthy body and strong.

How to Prevent Diabetes
Many other ways that can be done as a precautionary measure, one of them away from excessive sugar consumption. Moreover, sugar is already known to be one of the main who consumed much less dangerous in large quantities because it can lead to various diseases. Begin the consumption of healthy foods and avoid consuming too much sugar because it can increase the risk of diabetes and heart disease. In addition, in order to keep you healthy, regular exercise and keep eating.

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