Friday, December 9, 2016

How To Heart Healthy and Strong

The heart is one of the most important organs for humans. Its function is crucial organs makes this one needs to be intensively for his health kept. In addition to that heart running smoothly, maintaining heart health can also escape from the attack of various diseases.

As has been known that heart disease is one disease that has claimed many victims. Many have become the cause of a heart disease, one of which is a less healthy lifestyle habits, such as smoking  habits and lack of exercise. Poor diet also become one of the main causes of heart disease and stroke is due to poor diet will make the fat produced from these foods lead to blockage of the blood flow and increase the risk of heart disease.

Ways To Healthy Heart
Therefore to keep the heart healthy, you can start living a healthy lifestyle. Starting from the easiest habits that regularly consume healthy foods and other healthy habits do your heart.
To know more about about this one organ, you can listen to some of the ways to stay healthy and strong heart below.

1. Stop Smoking
In many studies already mentioned many times that smoking can damage the heart. In addition, smoking  also researched able to increase bad cholesterol, lowers good cholesterol and increase the risk of blood clots. Even in the other studies mentioned that a family, where the wife and husband are both smoking, then the risk of heart attack increased to 92 percent.

2. Sports
How to be heart healthy and strong next is diligently practiced. Deliver time is about 2 hours consistently and cumulatively each week to exercise study can reduce the risk of heart attack by 60 per cent compared to the inactive do so.

3. Lose weight
One of the causes of heart weakened and attacked by many diseases are due to the excess fat in the body. Therefore, in a study mentioned that to lose weight 10 to 20 pounds can reduce the risk of death from heart attack. In fact, in another study also said that people who were overweight had heart attacks 8.2 years earlier than those with normal weight.

4. Consuming water
Regularly in drinking water can be used as a way to be healthy and strong heart. You can consume as much as five glasses of water every day. In many of his own research stated that men who consume as much as 8 ounces of water each day has the possibility of a fatal heart attack 54 percent smaller than those who consume less water. In research Other states that water is able to thin the blood, so as to prevent freezing.

5. Consumption of tea
If you currently consume more coffee, then it is time to change it with tea. In a recent study mentioned that consuming tea three times daily were able to reduce 50 percent chance of having a heart attack than those who did not. Levels of flavonoids are used as natural antioxidants  and  strong in tea are also able to be protective for the heart. But, of course, not too much, tea consumption within normal limits and moderation.

6. Consumption of salmon and tuna
Foods that contain lots of omega-3 fatty acids studied were able to maintain the strength and heart health. This is also evidenced by a study conducted by researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health, which states that eating salmon or tuna twice a week can lower the risk of heart disease 30 per cent.

7. Consumption of watermelon
How to be heart healthy and more powerful you can do is to consume lots of watermelon. Fruit with green skin contains a compound called lycopene by 40 percent more than raw tomatoes. In a study itself noted that the lycopene content in watermelon can prevent heart disease by 30 percent.

8. Relax
Too much stress can increase levels of cholesterol and blood pressure. Even in many studies mentioned that stress is one of the causes narrowing of the arteries that worsen heart condition. By taking time to relax, state of body and mind will be calmer. Additionally, you can also relax with a combination of exercise, such as meditation or yoga. Additionally, you can also relax with a way to socialize, exchange opinions and chat with many people.

9. Reduce consumption of salt
Excessive salt intake can improve blood pressure. Therefore, pay attention to the food you eat. Note also the labels on snacks and processed foods. If the food contains 1.5g salt or about 0.6g of sodium, so try to avoid it.

10. Avoid foods low in nutrition
How to be heart healthy and strong the last is to avoid junk food as much as possible. As you know, that most instant foods today contain less healthy composition and exaggerated. We recommend that you start eating home-cooked meals are cooked by the chef your dear, namely the mother.

Above are some ways to stay healthy heart. Given this information hopefully readers can all be more concerned about the health of the heart.

You are encouraged to familiarize themselves maintain a healthy lifestyle to maintain food intake and exercise regularly in order to stay healthy and strong heart, because the heart is one of the main important organs for the human body.

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