Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Prevention and Treatment of Disease "Sweet Blood" Opinions Regarding "Sweet Blood"

It turns out not only know the caste blood, blue blood, for instance, but also taste. Layman often dub vulnerable people experience itching, have sweet blood. Sweet bloody man is also said to be very interested mosquitoes naughty.

The term "sweet blood" is not appropriate. According to Dr. Aru Sudoyo, Sp.PD, KHOM, FACP, the most appropriate designation for itch character as it is prurigo. He attacked only those who "gifted". There are children who have started contracting since the age of two years, some are new taxable at the age of five years. Boys are more vulnerable than girls, although not clear why.

"This disease is a legacy. If the mother gifted prurigo, most children will inherit. If the disease is carried by both parents, all children will be affected," said the lecturer of the Department of Medicine Faculty of medicine / RSCM this.

According to Dr. Sutirto Basukit, Sp.KK dermatologist from Tarakan Jakarta hospital, children mentioned having a skin or blood sweet are children who have hypersensitive skin. These children are usually very sensitive to any skin disorders. No wonder when a mosquito or insect bite can cause inflammation in the skin and leave scars. If the children's normal mosquito bites that can be lost in a day or less, on children hypersensitive skin takes 3-6 days to recover. In fact, it took much longer to remove the scars.

This disorder according to doctors who also served as Deputy Director of Services Tarakan Hospital was more common in children who have allergies or asthma talent. Allergy is a collection of symptoms due to an immune reaction (immune response) caused excessive by some cause or allergen. Some children experienced a hypersensitivity of the skin due to excessive immune response.

Due to an allergic reaction, the body was immediately reacted. The body will fight back by producing more antibodies kind of protein immunoglobulin E (IgE). This is a type of protein that one of them contained in the skin. Currently working IgE, skin tissue were also actively secrete substances such as histamine, cytokines, and leukotrines. These substances that give an allergic response such as hives and hypersensitivity occurs that causes itchy skin becomes easily inflamed and scar.

This condition is generally a disorder that is genetic or derivative. If one of your parents or one of the child's family experienced a hypersensitivity of the skin, allergies, or asthma tendencies, then it is likely the child has a skin hypersensitivity could reach 25-30%. Will increase to 60-70% if both parents have allergies talent.

Prevention :

Prurigo is a skin disease characterized skin disorders shaped papules and nodules or vary in size, brownish to blackish (hyperpigmentation), lasts 6 weeks and be recurrent. Because Prurigo is residif (easy to relapse), required patience and diligence in treating the disease. Prurigo typically people with new talents discovered through blood tests. At prurigo, white blood cell types and normal eosinophyl more. Because emerged from childhood, that can be done is to prevent the disease does not often arise. If already attacked, should immediately muted, so as not imprint on the skin.

Prurigo emergence stems from a pimple for a pin that is not so visible. Patients know there alit nodules (small) after severe itching sensation so desperate to scratch and keep scratching.

The easiest prevention, namely:

1. Do not be bitten by a mosquito or insect. and try to dress sleeves and trousers, or a canopy bed during sleep

2. When you go to the garden, camping, or to a place that many insects, protect your skin with anti-insect ointment. Can be selected citronella oil, eucalyptus oil, or liniment.

3. When the itch to come as well, it is advisable to refrain from scratching. Directly apply eucalyptus oil or other itch relief. During the night, to avoid scratching the effect of the unconscious, get used to wearing gloves. So if the hand scratching, nails scratched the skin indirectly.

Treatment :

According to Dr. Patna Komala Dewi, Sp.KK, Kes, scars on the skin that is hard to lose due to dry skin conditions. The skin needs to be oil and water are useful oil to grease the surface of the skin, while the water to hydrate through the blood. If the water in the cells is maintained, healthy skin will be durable.

"The condition is caused by a lack of moisture initially malnutrition or improper nutrient composition, such as lack of vitamin A and B. Also, because less sunlight, subject to the effects of chemicals in cosmetics, and soaps that do not fit," he added.

To overcome this, he suggested the consumption of vitamin A and E for at least 3 months, high intake of fruits and vegetables containing beta-carotene, for example, bananas, eggs, asparagus, garlic, and onion. Plus, drinking enough water and often.

If prurigo been attacked, need to be given ointment (cream, powder) corticosteroid. When prurigonya danger of infection, antibiotics should be added, so as not to grow ulcers. In the case of severe prurigo, patients need to take sedatives in order to sleep soundly.

At the age of children, former prurigo do not need to be treated with anti-hyperpigmentation drugs because a child's skin is still in its infancy. Usually will recover little by little with age.

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