Diabetes mellitus is a disease that is very dangerous. According to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) public Indonesia ranked fifth in the world. Therefore, many people are beginning to apply a healthy lifestyle as a way to prevent diabetes. Did you know today a lot of various kinds of speculation regarding diabetes that develops, ranging from restricting certain foods to overcome this defect. Though it is not necessarily true. Well here are some myths diabetes mellitus who are still growing and trusted by the people.
Diabetes mellitus
Diabetes myths and facts you need to know
Prohibited eating carbohydrates
The first myth is forbidden to eat carbohydrates to diabetic patients. the fact that people with diabetes can still eat carbs with the recommended amount. Said Linda Murphy, RN from HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital in New Jersey, United States that a diseased diabetes can still eat foods containing carbohydrates to a limited amount.
Sweets cause diabetes
The second is to eat sweet can be caused diabetes. Did you know that it is a myth. Not true if someone is eating sweet foods can be caused diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is caused by autoimmune system disorder that causes the pancreas can not produce insulin. So this cause glucose does not do the job properly. While type 2 diabetes is usually caused by a combination of unhealthy habits, such as less exercise, unhealthy diet, obesity and others.
Diabetes type 1 and type 2 is almost the same
The next myth is diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2 diabetes is almost the same. However, both these types have a big difference in physiology. A person with type 1 diabetes the body can no longer produce insulin and thus require insulin injections. However, a person suffering from type 2 diabetes should get 30% suntukan insulin alone and the rest is not necessary.
Diabetes is a disease of parents
Many people think that diabetes is a disease affecting only the elderly. But all that is just a myth, the fact that today many teenagers are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, especially those who are obese. Diabetes can happen to anyone regardless of age. Despite that diabetes affects more by a person aged 40 years and above.
There are dry and wet diabetes
The next myth is that many people think that diabetes is no dry and wet. Though there is no division about diabetes dry or wet. Diabetes often leads to misunderstandings wet for everyone is diabetes mellitus. The wounds inflicted because of the complications caused by blood sugar levels continuously increasing.
Such a review of myths diabetes mellitus who still believed.
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