Sunday, December 20, 2015

Medicinal Plants for Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes is a disease caused by diabetic patients are not able to control sugar levels in the blood. There are some signs and symptoms that are often experienced by people with diabetes such as, frequent thirst, weight decreased dramatically, frequent fatigue, blurred vision, wounds that are difficult to heal, dry skin and itching.
Medicinal Plants for Diabetes
Tanaman Obat untuk Diabetes
In general, there are several types of diabetes is diabetes type one or more often called the dry diabetes. Diabetes often affects children through adolescence. Type one diabetes causes the body can not produce insulin. While the second type of diabetes or wet type is more often experienced by the elderly person of 40 years and above. Although this second type can still produce insulin, but this type can also lead to other diseases such as stroke. In addition to seeing a doctor, you can take advantage of such natural herbs for diabetes.
Here is the Medicinal Plants for Diabetes
Leaves Sambiloto
The first medicinal plant is bitter leaf. Although the leaves have a bitter taste bitter, but the substances in the leaves is very powerful to overcome diabetes wet or dry. Not only that, the flavonoids in bitter leaf can also help the body to produce insulin.
Besides being used for herbs, you can also take advantage of the onion as medicine diabetes mellitus. Substances and nutrients in garlic is useful for preventing damage to insulin in the body, helping to release insulin and can also help lower blood sugar levels significantly. Benefits onion another is to reduce fever in infants.
Gotu kola leaf
Medicinal plants for diabetes which in turn is gotu kola leaf. Gotu kola leaf is a plant that is often used to mix herbal remedies. This leaf is rich in antibodies and also anti-bacterial toxins that are good for maintaining your health. in addition it can be used to treat diabetes, pegegan leaves are also useful to treat high blood pressure.
Bay leaf
Similarly, garlic, bay leaves are also often used for flavoring dishes. But besides that, bay leaves also can be used as herbal medicine diabetes. Vitamin content in leaves is believed to be useful for treating wounds caused by diabetes. How to use it even easier, you can directly attach leaves that has been refined in the wound or drink boiled water bay leaves.
Who does not know the plant is of Asian origin. Ginseng contains a variety of nutrients that can be utilized to address a wide range of disease problems. Mmengonsumsi ginseng every day can stabilize blood sugar levels and increase insulin levels in the body.
Such reviews about medicinal plants for diabetes mellitus

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