How to Lower Blood Sugar Naturally -
Blood sugar is a term used in the condition of a person's state of glucose in the blood. Glucose is the main energy source in the body when it is passed through the blood. However, if the condition of a person's blood sugar levels are too high, it will trigger the disease. Diseases that threaten someone when blood sugar levels begin to exceed the limit of normal is diabetes mellitus. The condition of low blood sugar levels were also not good that called hypoglycemia. Which is characterized by body condition and feeling tired, conditions declining mental function, it is easy to be offended, and even loss of consciousness.
How to lower blood sugar naturally How to Lower Blood Sugar Naturally
For someone who has a normal blood sugar levels over this course must be overcome. Because if left unchecked will trigger other diseases are more serious, such as kidney, nerve, eye and others. Here are tips you can do to lower blood sugar, among others:
Regularly went to the doctor. Always check the condition of the levels in your blood. Make checks blood checks for at least 6 months.
Keep your weight to be more ideal. Obesity could be a trigger factor of various diseases. Obese people because a lot of glucose that is not used to physical activity so that hoard so fat. Keep your weight conditions to be more ideal by exercising.
Exercise regularly. Sports that can utilize and convert sugar into energy such as fitness or weight lifting, walking, jogging, and others that can make you fitter.
Adequate nutrition and nutrition is very important to control blood sugar levels. Adjust your diet is also key to the best that the condition of the body's blood sugar remains normal. Suppose you could drink healthy juices such as beet juice, green apples, tomatoes, watermelon juice, eat bitter melon and vegetables are healthy. Eating whole wheat bread is also good because it contains fiber which is nice. Here's how to lower blood sugar naturally through traditional materials and food, among other things: Cinnamon. You might think it tastes sweet cinnamon and sugar, cinnamon yet effective in reducing blood sugar and reduce the risk for developing diabetes. Some studies show that cinnamon extract good for lowering blood glucose, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. But be careful to use cinnamon in large doses can be dangerous. Consult a physician before starting any type of cinnamon that is suitable for you. Garlic. Garlic has been used for years to lower cholesterol levels and lower blood sugar levels. A study was conducted to rats and rabbits showed that garlic extract can lower blood sugar. Garlic extract increases the amount of insulin in people with diabetes. Although the cause bad breath odor, garlic is a good seasoning of food and was good for managing your blood sugar levels. Avocado and Nuts. Unsaturated fatty acids are important components of managing blood sugar levels. Unsaturated fatty acids are the main nutrients contained in some foods between lai such as avocados, nuts and seeds, olives, flax and olive oil. Avocados are proven to reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome, including diabetes. Avocados also increase the feeling of satisfaction after a meal, and have a healthy effect on blood pressure and inflammation. Egg. A study published in 2008 in the international journal Obesity found people who are overweight and obesity are given two eggs a day for breakfast. The researchers said that eating eggs can control hunger by reducing post-meal insulin. Appetite control response can prevent fluctuations in glucose and insulin levels. Vinegar. Vinegar has been shown to inhibit the rate of increase in blood sugar and insulin, as well as increasing the feeling of fullness after eating. Studies conducted at Arizona State University found people who consume foods with vinegar to drink blood sugar levels and insulin were normal. You can also consume apple vinegar.
Almond nut. Almond is a source of magnesium, fiber and protein. Almonds have a high magnesium content than other nuts. All nuts, including almonds, also rich in chromium which can help manage blood sugar levels. You can buy almonds in the supermarket in your town, you can direct consumption as a snack or as a mixture of your dishes.
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Those are some foods that you can use as a way to lower blood sugar levels safely and naturally you can do at home, you do not need to consume to excess blood sugar medication unless recommended by a doctor.
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