Sunday, December 20, 2015

Food Triggers Disease to watch

You may not realize that the food intake often you eat that one meal triggers the disease. Therefore you should never be fooled by the good taste alone so that you feel unable to resist. You need to know if foods that often cause many diseases that nest on your body is a kind of fast food or food that is not stored with tempratur incompatible. The condition of these foods can trigger the growth of bacteria degan rapidly at temperatures between 50-630 C.
There is also the usual food you consume daily without your knowledge can also trigger the growth of the disease in your body. Curious? Here's the explanation some foods trigger the disease that you need to be aware of.
Makanan Pemicu Penyakit
Food Triggers Disease
Here Food Triggers Diseases Need to Beware
Rice is the staple food of Indonesia, even those considered if the meal does not use the rice like she was not eating, well of diet that is hitherto difficult to remove. You need to know a little about the dangers of excessive eating rice, rice is a food that contains a lot of high carbohydrate which can lead to obesity and diabetes. Therefore start from now to reduce rice with potatoes or potatoes as a carbohydrate substitute so that you avoid the dangerous disease.
This is complementary foods favored by most people, namely crackers. Which has a crunchy cracker texture and savory makes your appetite increase. But you need to know beyond the delights of crackers can also be hazardous to your health. The danger caused by some types of crackers that contain a lot of fat, calories and sodium overload. The content can lead to obesity and trigger the risk of high blood pressure.
Sweet food that one is also highly favored by many people and did not know the age, namely chocolate. Sweet taste of chocolate is also need to know before you eat them. Indeed, many thought that every piece of chocolate can reduce high blood pressure and risk of heart attack. Although such chocolate can also be dangerous to health if consumed in excess of which can cause cholesterol, diabetes and obesity caused by sugar and fat content is high.
Now that some foods trigger diseases to watch. Everything exaggeration of course detrimental to everything including for the health of your body. Read also the type of food that makes tired.

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