Thursday, December 3, 2015

Benefits of Guava

Manfaat Jambu Biji
Benefits of Guava
         Benefits of Guava - the fruit is so is hard when immature, but after the fruit is ripe it will be easy for bite and feels good for a meal, in the middle there is a small seed-small very much, this is the call with guava seed. This fruit has a Latin name Psidium guajava and is included in the family Myrtaceae. the fruit is very much encountered in villages, because in my place as well as very easy to find, even there are many kinds, ranging from red guava, guava white guava and were still kind to him, therefore, on this occasion I am very interested in discussing the benefits of the fruit contained already familiar with this Indonesian society.
Guava has a lot of fiber which is very useful for our body, and some people mansih utilize guava leaf for the treatment of diarrhea naturally, besides guava fruit has a content of Vitamin C is very high is higher than citrus fruits, and far higher than the kiwi is touted as the king of vitamin C.

Benefits of Guava To Health
Curing Infection
Thanks to its vitamin C content is high, this fruit can boost the immune system. When consumed when suffering from strep throat or flu, will accelerate the healing due to infection.

Preventing Cancer
High content of vitamin C and flavonoids make guava has strong antioxidant properties that can inhibit the production of nitrosamines, cancer-triggering substances. Vitamin C in the blood also encourages employment in the selenium inhibits cancer cells, especially lung cancer, prostate, breast, and colon. Lycopene in guava able to inhibit the oxidation of fats thus preventing cancer.

Overcoming Coronary Heart Disease
Potassium levels in guava helps the heart beat more regularly. Elagat acid content, linoleic acid, korbigen acid, and fiber is able to bind fat so as to avoid the formation of plaque, the cause of coronary heart disease.

Overcoming Diabetes
Fiber pektinnya able to act to lower blood glucose levels so suitable to be consumed by diabetics.

Lowering High Blood Pressure
Guava can also lower high blood pressure due to the levels of potassium, fiber also binds fat.

Anti-inflammatory and Antivirus
Vitamin C is instrumental form collagen beneficial to wound healing. Flavonoid compounds have the ability as an anti-inflammatory, allergy, and antivirus.

Other efficacy
According to the study, guava leaves can help raise platelet levels in patients with dengue fever. While fruit is often blended then given to the dengue fever patients is not efficacious raise platelet levels but more as a supply of a lot of fluids lost as a result of a decrease in platelets.

May be useful. Thank you

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