Counteract free radicals
benefits seledriDaun celery leaves contain antioxidants and flavonoids are naturally able to help ward off free radicals. Free radicals that enter the body can affect the health of the body and skin health.
The free radicals that enter into the human body, usually caused by sunlight, air pollution, air conditioning and others. To counteract the free radicals so that it does not make continuously into the body, try to eat foods from celery or simply adding a few leaves of celery juice mixture into the vegetables and fruit you will consume.
Prevent osteoarthritis or joint pain
Celery health benefits for them are able to help prevent osteoarthritis or joint pain. Joint pain commonly experienced by those who are elderly, caused by a decrease in bone quality / loss due to aging.
While osteoarthritis is joint pain caused by mild inflammation that arises when friction occurs between the ends of the bones that make up the joint. Osteoarthritis can be caused by injury or trauma tropism. To overcome joint pain or osteoarthritis, you can increase the consumption of celery each day. Simply by adding a finely sliced celery leaves into the batter into your cooking or vegetable broth or soup broth.
Strengthen bones
Celery leaves contain vitamin K, which plays a role in protein synthesis which helps increase bone density as well as the teeth. You who often complain of pain in the teeth or complaints about the body easily tired and bone are often painful, can try to eat celery as a natural remedy.
Maintain kidney function
Celery has a natural ingredient, of which there are vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, potassium, amino acids, nutrium, magnesium, calcium, folate and others. Nutrients found in celery leaves maximally can help maintain a healthy body, is no exception preserve kidney function.
Benefits of celery to the kidneys can get by quite easily, simply by cleaning a bundle of fresh celery leaves and then boiled for about 10 minutes and drink boiled water, to consume boiled water celery leaves, the toxins in the body will be released through urine ,
Lowers blood pressure
Benefits of celery for people with hypertension has been proven true. When kidney function can run well, then automatically the kidney can do a good job, which is to filter the blood and keep the toxins and dirt do not get into the body, helps regulate blood volume and most importantly able to lower high blood pressure.
Benefits of celery leaves are extremely diverse in terms of medical, reportedly even celery can help prevent cancer and heart health. Therefore, biaskanlah to add celery in cooking or vegetable juice you
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