3 Foods To Stabilize Blood Sugar
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder in which your body does not produce enough insulin or use it effectively. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that is necessary for glucose, the form of sugar in your blood, to enter into the cells for use as energy. Without insulin your body can not use food for energy. High blood sugar over many years can cause serious long-term complications, such as cataracts, heart disease, kidney failure, nerve damage and foot and leg amputations. You should keep your blood sugar levels to a normal range. A diet rich in whole grains (whole grain cereals) can help you overcome your problem of high blood sugar.
The food is to stabilize and control blood sugar
Soybean help control diabetes
Soy is a leguminous plant of Asian origin. Soybeans are planted because the seeds are rich in protein, known as soybeans. Soy is a complete protein because it contains all the essential amino acids that your body can not produce itself. Soybeans and soy products have a low glycemic index value, which makes them good food choices to help control the condition of diabetes, according to University of Maryland Medical Center. The glycemic index is a numerical rank foods based on how quickly and how much food is triggering the increase in blood glucose levels. Soy protein and its component thought to be responsible for most of the healthful properties associated with soy.
Wheat foods rich in fiber
Wheat has received much attention recently for reducing blood glucose. There may be several possible explanations for hypoglycemic effects associated with high intake of grains of wheat. Wheat is a good source of soluble fiber. Approximately 50 percent of the soluble fiber in oats, which seems to be very good for diabetes type 2: The soluble fiber improves insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetic patients because with a little secretion of insulin, glucose can be organized more efficiently, according to the Colorado State University Extension.
Peanuts helps lower blood glucose
Peanuts are the seeds of the plant pea protein. Peanuts are rich in potentially beneficial compounds, such as vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, protein and soluble fiber. Soluble fiber is found in nuts have been known to lower blood glucose levels in some people, according to the New Mexico State University. Fibers delay the emptying of the stomach by adding bulk to foods without adding extra calories, which in turn reduces the severity of diabetes. The average intake of total dietary fiber should be 20 to 25 g for adults. This can be achieved by eating foods that more food legumes such as peanuts.
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