Friday, November 6, 2015

9 Mosquito-Repelling Plants You Can Grow at Home

Mosquitoes are a serious

Mosquitoes are a serious nuisance; from that terrible buzz near your ear when you’re trying to sleep, to the itchy, swollen bumps they leave after biting you. If you didn’t know, it’s only the females of the specie who bite us. Male mosquitoes prefer to feed on nectar, generally avoiding humans.

Mosquitoes can also be a health-risk – they can transmit diseases through their bite (including Malaria, Yellow Fever, West-Nile Fever, and more). In-fact, mosquitoes are responsible for more human deaths than all the wars in our history combined.

You can buy gadgets and products that repel these nasty bugs, but they’re all temporary and can be irritating or dangerous. Instead, you can grow certain plants that repel mosquitoes naturally:

Lemon Verbena:

 This lovely plant has a light citrus scent and can be added to tea for both flavor and it's calming effect on the digestive system. You can plant it in the ground or in a deep pot and let it scare away those nasty bugs. Make sure it has a good supply of water and sunlight.  

     Mosquito Repellants Cloves:

 Cloves are the flower buds of the Syzygium aromaticum plant. You can plant it around the yard to enjoy its mosquito-repelling properties, as well as use the cloves to spice up food.
           Mosquito Repellants Mint:

Most common as an added flavor for tea, mint also has powerful mosquito-repelling properties. All species of mint are useful repellants. Mint needs sunlight and plenty of water to grow. You can plant it in your garden or in pots. If you choose to put it in your garden, be aware that it s to spread, and can sometimes take over and kill weaker plants. 

      Mosquito Repellants Rosemary

 A favorite herb for savory dishes, it's also a potent repellent. Plant it in your garden or in deep planters and let this lovely bush grow and take care of your mosquito problem. 

Mosquito Repellants Lemon Thyme:

 A natural mosquito repellent, lemon thyme is also a great herb for seasoning dishes. Plant it in pots to get lovely little plants around the house, or in your garden to control mosquito population.

Mosquito Repellants Lavender:

 The scent of lavender is often a favorite for many people, and it's commonly used in aromatherapy for its soothing properties. For mosquitoes, however, it's a very strong repellent. Plant them in your garden or in pots in your house and enjoy the scent of the beautiful purple flowers.  

       Mosquito Repellants Floss Flower:

 These lovely tiny flowers are superb at repelling mosquitoes. Make sure you only grow them in a pot, as they tend to overgrow in the soil and take over the entire garden. Make sure they're out of reach of children and animals, as they can be toxic.

            Mosquito Repellants Pitcher Plant:

 These carnivorous plants grow natural pitchers, filled with appealing-scented nectar to lure bugs in. Once the bugs get inside the pitcher, they can't get out again and are digested by the plant. Plant them in planters by window sill and enjoy their mosquito-capturing properties.   

      Mosquito Repellants Cadaga Tree: 

 (AKA "Cadagi", or eucalyptus torelliana) - These beautiful trees are natural barriers for mosquitoes, who hate their scent. Plant a few of these in your garden and let nature free you of those pesky biters.    

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