Saturday, May 30, 2015

The benefits and efficacy of a melon for beauty and pregnant women

The benefits and efficacy of a melon for beauty and pregnant women

Perhaps we all know how the shape and taste of melon. Yes, round shape like a ball of light green and refreshing flesh. But do you know the benefits and efficacy of melon? but first let's review the history of the melon fruit. Many researchers believe that the melon originated from the Mediterranean, more precisely in the valley of Persia. In the 14th century this plant was brought by Columbus to America and developed there. Melon and then spread to the Asian continent. That is a brief history of melon. Now we revealed the content of melon fruit is beneficial for health.

Nutrient content in melons per 100 grams

Energy (cal) 21.0
Protein (g) 0.60
Fat (g) 0.10
Carbohydrates (gr 5.10
Calcium (mg) 15.00
Phosphorus (mg) 25.00
Fiber (g) 0.30
Iron (mg) 0.50
Vitamin A (SI) 640.00
Vitamin B1 (mg) 0.03
Vitamin B2 (mg) 0.02
Vitamin C (mg) 34.00
Niacin (g) 0.80

Usefulness and efficacy of melon fruit for health

Melon fruit beneficial for pregnant women
There are several benefits of fruit for women who are pregnant. One is to overcome excessive nausea. In the first 3 months are usually a pregnant woman often feel nausea and want to vomit. This is because when the first 3 months, pregnant woman's body produces hormones to prepare the fetus. Melon helps pregnant belly to feel comfortable and fresh. This has been proved by some pregnant women who consumed melon when they feel sick. see also fruit for pregnant women
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Melon helps the formation of fetal organ tissue
In melon there is the content which helps the formation of cells and fetal tissue. The substance is phosphorus. In 100 grams of melon, there are 0.5 milligrams of phosphorus. Phosphorus also serves as a guard system blood clots during childbirth. In addition to phosphorus, calcium are also useful to assist the process of formation to the bones and teeth.

Melon fruit is beneficial to produce more red blood cells
One of the red blood cell-forming agent is iron. In melon there is 35 mg per 100 grams of melon flesh. This is very helpful especially for pregnant women because of the many red blood cells to transport the amount of oxygen that much anyway. So if you want your baby healthy. You must enter the melon into your menu.

Melon fruit useful to eliminate acne
The content of vitamin C and other antioxidants contained in fruits melon can be a powerful weapon against bacteria that cause acne. The trick is to eat melon at least 200 grams per day. And wearing a melon to be a face mask. Wear a mask melon 2 times a week. Then your face will be free of acne and your skin will become brighter.

Melon can be your diet menu
Why do I suggest to consume the melon when you're on a diet? This is because melon is very low in calories, but despite the low calorie melon, melon have the nutrients. So even though you're on a diet, you will still feel fresh and healthy of course. In addition, eating melon fruit regularly can nourish your digestive system. With a good digestive system. The food was to be treated well too. And the weight you also will be controlled. see also fruit for diet
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