Sunday, May 31, 2015

Benefits of lemon for beauty and diet

Benefits of lemon for beauty and diet

Before I explains about the benefits of lemon for health and beauty, let us know the history of the lemon fruit. Lemons originated in India. Lemon has been cultivated in India thousands of years ago. In about the year 200 AD. Lemons brought to Italy. Until the eleventh century, a lemon is very famous in the Mediterranean region and the Middle East. Lemons began to enter into the Americas is currently dating Spanish colonists to the Americas. Lemon fruit is widely used for flavoring and refreshing food and beverages. Lemon tree can grow in tropical climates and can grow up to 6 m. A good temperature for lemon tree that grows well is between 15 to 30 degrees Celsius. Now that we know a brief history of lemon let's find existing content in lemons.

The nutritional content of fruit juice per 100 grams

the amount of fat 0.3 g
Unsaturated fats Dual 0.1 g
Single Unsaturated fat 0 g
Sodium 2 mg
Calcium 138 mg 3%
Total Carbohydrates 9 g 3%
Food fiber 2.8 g 11%
Sugar 2.5 g
Protein 1.1 g 2%
Vitamin C 88%
Calcium 2%
Iron 3%
Vitamin B-6 5%
Magnesium 2%

Lemon fruit for health benefits

Lemon fruit useful to brighten the face
Lemon fruit contains vitamin C which is a lot. Vitamin C is very beneficial to remove dead skin cells that exist in our face. Sell ​​when we lifted the dead skin of our face, then the face will produce new skin cells which can make our skin look brighter. The trick is, mix half a lemon that has been squeezed. Pour 2 tablespoons of honey and stir until blended. Apply to face and wait for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, rinse your face with clean water. Do it once a week to get the results meksimal. see also fruits for beauty
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Lemons can deal with acne
Lemon fruit also contains antioxidants that are good for fighting acne on the face. The trick is, squeeze 1 lemon. Results squeeze of lemon before, you mix with water. Apply on your face with acne with a cotton bud. Eaten for 15 minutes, then wash your face with clean water.

Lemon fruit can lose weight
Lemon fruit has many benefits, one of which is to lose weight and become your diet menu. The trick is to mix the lemon juice with a few tablespoons of honey according to your taste. Drink 2 times a day morning and afternoon. Within two weeks you will be able to see the results. Lemon fruit also can launch the body's metabolism so that your body will burn more calories and of course will reduce your weight. see also fruits for diet
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Lemon fruit useful to treat stomach ulcers
Probably most of you do not perccaya that lemons can treat stomach ulcers. Lemon fruit has been proven to overcome heartburn Because lemon itself has alkaline properties, while the gastric acid in the stomach is acidic. So if stomach acid met with lemon alkaline. Then it will be a normal stomach acid.

Lemons can accelerate the healing process
We already know that lemon fruit contains a lot of vitamin C. Vitamin C has many benefits. One of them is to accelerate the wound healing process. Vitamin C also plays an important role in maintaining the health of bones and tissues. Vitamin C has anti-inflammatory properties are very important for the recovery of stress and injury.

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