Thursday, May 7, 2015

Benefits and efficacy of durian (King of fruits)

Benefits and efficacy of durian (King of fruits)

Durian is a fruit that comes from southeast asia. Durian fruit is found in Indonesia and Malaysia. Durian is widely available in Indonesia on the island of Sumatra and Borneo, although in other islands also exist. The name durian fruit comes from the Malay language, the public saw this spiny fruit so people named it the durian. Durian has been known to the people in Southeast Asia since the 7th century BC. Durian is very well known with characteristic smell was overpowering. Even this could smell the aroma of the fruit within a radius of several meters. For people who are not familiar with durian durian fruit aroma must think this is bad, but for lovers of durian, the smell of ripe durian fruit is very tasty.

The content of nutrients in the fruit durian

water 67 grams / 100 grams
Vitamin C
Vitamin B
Vitamin E
Carbohydrates 28.3 grams / 100 grams
Fat 2.5 grams / 100 gram
Protein 2.5 g / 100 g
Folic acid
1.4 fiber grams / 100 grams

Benefits and efficacy of durian

Lowering Cholesterol
Many who believe that the durian fruit can raise blood cholesterol. But the fact durian fruit can lower blood cholesterol preformance. This is because durian contains high density lipoprotein that binds cholesterol in the blood.

Reduce depression and insomnia
Durian fruit is very beneficial to reduce depression, anxiety and treat insomnia. This is because durian contains many amino acid tryptophan. So for those of you who have insomnia, eat durian taste.

Helps build muscle
For those of you who want to build muscle or muscles are forming. Eating durian is very safe for you. Because durian fruit contains a lot of soft protein, iron, fiber, vitamin C, and vitamin B. so eat durian enough to build muscle.

Maintaining the health of the thyroid
The thyroid is a gland in the body that regulates the speed of the body to burn energy. Durian fruit contains a lot of copper so that it can to maintain the health of your thyroid. Well for those of you who want to maintain the health of your thyroid, eat durian taste.

Maintaining healthy teeth
Durian fruit can also keep your dental health. This is because durian contains phosphorus are good for maintaining your dental health.

Inhibit tumor growth
In the durian fruit phytosterol contained many substances. This substance is very good for the body because it provides resistance to tumors and cancer. It also can inhibit tumor growth. so eat durian enough so your body protected from tumors and cancers.

As a natural sleep aid
In the durian fruit contains a substance that can regulate the metabolism into various neurotransmitters. Substances that are tritiopan. By transforms into a neurotransmitter metabolism, your body will feel relaxed and sleepy. This substance is suitable for someone who has insomnia, because these substances act as a natural sleep aid.

Keeping the metabolism of carbohydrates in the body
The substances contained in the fruit durian thiamine. Thiamine is also found in green beans. Thiamine serves to maintain the metabolism of carbohydrates in the body. Thiamine change carbohydrates into energy and help the health of muscles and nerves healthy.

Preventing heart disease
Durian fruit can prevent heart disease, this is because the durian fruit contains folic acid. In the durian fruit contained 20% of the daily requirement of folic acid. Folate also helps the brain to run smoothly. see also the fruit that can prevent heart disease
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Durian fruit consumption is safe
in the above explanation, we already know a lot about the benefits berbagaii durian fruit, but how many durian that we consume every day? the answer is, simply by eating durian as much as 100 to 200 grams in one meal to maintain the balance of nutrients in the body.

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